┈━═☆ Chapter nineteen ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
★彡 - 彡★


Third Person's Pov:

To say that the Jeons had a long day would be an understatement.
After Jungkook had lifted Taehyung and walked to and fro in the office Taehyung wouldn't get off.
He had slept on Jungkook's lap for the rest of the day with his thumb finger stuffed in his mouth.

When Jungkook had to pee he tried his best to get Taehyung to let go but the hybrid wouldn't.
He would grumble in his sleep and cling tighter to Jungkook being deep into littlespace.
Jungkook being more of the caregiver than Jeongguk caused the little to want to cling to him more.

So Jungkook literally had to slowly detach his small body frame from his and place him on Jeongguk's lap.
The younger didn't mind but when Taehyung began to try sucking on his nipples through his shirt he became panicky.
Mainly because that was probably the second most sensitive part of his body.

Now they finally arrived at home.
Their eyes could close on it's own from how sleepy they were but they tried not to.
With the hybrid that was fast asleep in their arms they tried their best not to wake him.

The maid had greeted them at the front door and asked if she could help but they shook their heads.
Jeongguk was the one to carry Taehyung to the room but as he was about to place him on the bed the hybrid became fussy.

"You have to let go kitten. Ggukie needs to go wash up."
He tried his best to be as soft as he could with the hybrid.
He knew Taehyung was alot deeper into littlespace so that meant he was alot more vulnerable.
Sensitive too.
"Don weeb Ggwuk ggwuk."

Jeongguk cooed.
The hybrid's eyes were still closed and his lips formed into a pout as he spoke.
When Jeongguk tried to let go of him he would use his nails to grab on to his shirt and still cling to him...just like a little kitten would.

"Taehyung-ah~ don't you want Ggukie to shower an cuddle you?"
He tried to convince the other to let him go but Taehyung being Taehyung in littlespace didn't get convinced.
He shook his head.
"I wan Ggwuk Gguk to gib uppies."
Jeongguk tilted his head.

Being sleepy Jeongguk didn't know what the little was talking about.
He was tired, wanted to shower and just sleep.
"Up up! In gguk gguk arm." Taehyung could barely form his words/sentences probably.
It made both the twins wonder what age he had regressed to but they didn't complain.
The hybrid is quite adorable in littlespace and out of it too.

Jungkook came into the room dressed in his pj's.
He looked at the hybrid clinging to his brother;
His arms wrapped around his twin's neck and his head buried in Jeongguk's arm.
From Jungkook's point of view it looked like Jeongguk was hovering above the hybrid.

"Is he okay?"
Jeongguk sighed and looked at his brother.
He pointed out that Taehyung's fluffy white tail was also wrapped around his waist and his body kept whimpering when Jeongguk tried to leave him.
"He doesn't want to let go. He says he wants uppies."

Immediately understanding Jungkook didn't bother saying another word.
He walked over to the two and took Taehyung into his arms who gladly complied.
"This is what you wanted baby? Uppies?"
His voice was deep and soothing.
It felt comforting to the elder's ear.

The hybrid looked at him with doe eyes and nodded quickly.
His hair bounced back into place as his doe eyes locked with Jungkook's.
Jeongguk took that opportunity to leave the room and have a shower.
Of course Jungkook was tired himself but he'll never be too tired to take care of his little kitten.

"Just uppies?"
The hybrid smiled.
His boxy smile exposed and his eyes closed a little as Jungkook had him all snuggled up into his arms.
"Such a good baby. Lay on dada's shoulder okay?"
The hybrid blinked twice trying to understand what the other was saying then nodded and did as he was told.

Jungkook smiled to himself.
Placing a gentle kiss on the hybrid's forehead and began to walk him around the room.
The room was quite suitable for things like that so he had enough space being careful not to bump into anything.

Taehyung sucked on his thumb again and closed his eyes.
He enjoyed the warmth of the elder and hummed as he nuzzled his nose into Jungkook's neck.
Jungkook's breath almost got stuck in his throat.
Of course the kitten didn't know that was the most sensitive part of his body and it was an innocent action after all right?

Soon enough Jeongguk came out of the shower.
He was met with Jungkook still walking around the room with the hybrid in his arms and smiled.
His dripping wet body was soon dried and he had the towel wrapped around his waist.
Of course Jungkook remained unfazed.
His brother had been doing this ever since they were younger so it's no surprise to see Jeongguk change in front of him anymore.

"Is he asleep?" Jeongguk whispered.
Jungkook have him a resting bitch face.
"Isn't it obvious?" He mouthed to the other but when Jeongguk's eyes flickered to the hybrid he could clearly see the hybrid's eyes on him.
Thankfully it was innocent eyes and not the mischievous kind.

"Whatever." He turned around to go get clothes from the closet but the hybrid began to fuss.
"Gguk gguk." Jungkook was thankful.
He really wanted his twin to give him a chance to shower and just take the hybrid.
Although he was whipped for Taehyung he couldn't give him 'uppies' 24/7.

Jeongguk turned around.
He met the eyes of the hybrid again and quirked an eyebrow.
Taehyung made grabby hands towards him and removed the finger from his mouth.
"Wan gguk gguk pease."
Jeongguk looked at the hybrid with an unbelievable expression and then at Jungkook.

"Can I at least get changed?"
When the smirk formed on his brother's lips he knew he wouldn't say yes.
He tried to run to the bathroom again but before Jungkook could give the hybrid to him but it was too late.
Before he knew it the hybrid was in his arms and pressed against his naked chest.
Let's just say that that night Jeongguk and Jungkook was so tired that the younger twin had fallen asleep with the hybrid on top of him not knowing what he would have to face in the morning.


A/n- no i'm not giving smut yet I think it's too early but there may or may not be some sexual tension in the next chapter 😅

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter ♡
See you in the next update.

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