┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-four ☆═━┈

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❝I like you alot❞
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Jeongguk's Pov:

As soon as Taehyung's eyes land on me it goes wide and my heart clenches a little.
I should've expected that Jungkook would be the one to kiss him first so why does it hurt a little.
I look at Jungkook in shock then back at Taehyung who looks away in embarrassment.

A sigh escapes my lips and I shake my head.
Of course he would choose Jungkook.
Who am I compared to him right?
"I'm sorry. I'll leave you two to finish...whatever you were doing."
And I walk away.
Out of the bathroom into the bedroom like nothing's wrong and leave them to finish whatever they were doing.

A million thoughts run through my head as I flop on to the bed.
I stare at the ceiling with a blank face and let the tears prickle at the brim of my eyes.
If Jungkook's the one he chose then I should be happy for him so why does it hurt so much to see him pressed against the wall with Jungkook's lips locked on his?
I shouldn't care right?
I was the twin that didn't like Taehyung in the beginning but in the end I started liking him anyways and look where it's taken me...
No where.

I shake my head a let a sad smile make it's way to my face.
I let the tears that threatened to fall run down my cheeks.
There I go,
No walls built up again,
No tough Jeongguk,
Just me.
The vulnerable me.
The me that I was afraid to show.
All because of a stupid little kitten.
A stupid little kitten that I like so much.

Just as i'm about to wipe my tears away someone does it for me.
An oh too familiar hand and I can't help but to lean into their touch.
Through blurry eyes and a soft sob escaping my lips I see Taehyung's face full of worry.
I look behind him to see if Jungkook is there but he isn't.
It's just him and I...

Please don't do this to me.
When you say my name like that i'll only fall harder.
"Gguk baby.."
Too late.
I wipe my tears away so that I can see him clearly then I sit up.
I ignore the pain in my chest and the flutter in my stomach when our eyes lock.
For a moment I get lost in his pretty eyes and I almost forget about everything but when he speaks again it snaps me back into reality.

"Why are you crying? Are you okay?"
Am I?
Do you even care?
I search his eyes.
I try to read them and all I could see was concern.
Why is he even concerned?
He should go back to his Jungkook.
"Why do you care all of a sudden? It doesn't matter now does it? Go to Jungkook and leave me alone."
My tone is harsher than i've expected but he doesn't seem fazed.
Instead he allows one hand to travel to the side of my cheeks and cup it gently.
He tilts his head and with a hum he pulls me closer by wrapping his furry tail around my waist.

I should be mad at him but the most I do is bite my bottom lip and maintain eye contact.
I allow myself to melt in his touch and my cheeks to heat up when his lips slowly pull into a smile.
The butterflies in my stomach will never rest because of this hybrid.
"I'm sorry. I'm guessing I upset you? Can you please tell me what I did wrong?"
I wanted to scream,
To shout,
To get angry and tell him off about how I really feel but being the fool I am I remain calm.
I feel at ease when he holds me like this.

"Y-you kissed Jungkook."
The confession seems to surprise him.
His eyes go wide and his cheek flushes red at the mention of that.
I frown.
He really likes Jungkook huh?
"I'm sorry."
I look away and bite my bottom lip again in order to prevent the tears from falling again.
"I-I shouldn't have ask-"
"No no. Ggukie please look at me. Please."
My heart fails me.
My mind fails me because I obey.
I look at him and allow him to wipe my tears away,
To pull me closer and hold me.

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