┈━═☆ Chapter seven ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Bubble Bath❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

"Since it's your day off you'll be taking care of him. Make sure he eats, takes a bath and so on but if he's in big space he'll do it himself."
I nod my head and stare at the little kitten crawling to me like a predator to it's prey.
"Good. I'll get going now."
Jungkook glances one more time at the kitten before closing the door.

I squint my eyes at the kitten and he squints his eyes at me.
He puts his little paws in diving position and wiggles his butt before launching himself on top of me.
"What the fu-"
My eyes widen when I see the boxy smile of the kitten hybrid.
How can he transform that fast?

"Hi Ggukie~."
Ah so he's in littlespace.
I smile at him and remind myself that Jungkook wants me to be kind to him when in littlespace.
"Hi kitten."
I cup his cheeks as he casually sits on my lap elegantly.
I take the chance to sit up and squish his chubby cheeks.

From the past few days i've been growing a little soft for this kitten.
He may be bratty at times but it's managable.
Jungkook and I take turns in taking care of him everyday despite having work.
I will admit the little one in front of me is adorable but I know that I don't have feelings for him which is good because i've only known him for a few days.

When he's in big space he'd tease the hell out of me and I will admit that it's hard to control myself but I always manage to remain calm in the end.
In the short period of time we've grown fond of him.
Not in the way that we'll catch feelings...pssh...at least for me.
I could never love a kitten hybrid.
I'm too rough for that.

Back to what I was doing.
He whines and removes my hands from his face.
His bottom lip juts out and I can't help but to coo.
"What does kitten wanna do hm?"
His eyes light up like the stars in the sky.
"Bwubble bath!"
I alnost freeze.

We've never given him a bubble bath.
He's always in big space when taking showers.
"Ggukie pwease~"
I shake my head to snap back to reality.
His tail wraps around one of my arms and he starts to sniffle.
I start to panick when I see his eyes get teary so I lift him and he immediately stops.

"Fine Ggukie will let you have a bubble bath okay? Don't cry please."
He wipes his tears with the sleeve of Jungkook's sweater and nods.
"Thank choo Ggukie." He places a sloppy kiss on my cheek then giggles.
I scrunch my nose and carry him to the bathroom.
He sits next to the bath tub and swings his legs admiring his feet.

I run the warm water in the tub and wait for it to get filled.
Taehyung grins at me when I look at him and I can't help but to smile.
"You okay kitten?"
He nods his head cutely and smiles showing his bread cheeks.
"Taetae otay Ggukie."
I hum and look at the tub.

The water is halfway filled and it's not long until there's enough water to put him in.
He begins to take off his sweater when I turn off the water.
My eyes widen and I look away not wanting to invade his privacy.
"A-are you done kitten?"
"Mm...yesh Ggukie but Taetae twail and ear cwan't touch water. Taetae hash to be in certain position."
Are you kidding me?

I gulp and turn to look at him.
I stare directly into his eyes not wanting to look at his body without permission.
He tilts his head then giggles.
"Cwan Ggukie help Tae into the water pwease?~"
How can I resist those eyes?
I nod my head and walk over to him.

I could see a blush caressing his cheeks when i'm closer but I pay no mind to it.
I wrap my arms around his waist carefully and shut my eyes so I won't see his naked body.
He squeals when I lift him then I place him in the water in doggy style so his tail doesn't get wet.

"Chu cwan open eyes Ggukie. Ggukie and Taetae are bwoth boys!"
Nope Jeongguk don't you dare-
I open my eyes and keep my eyes locked with his.
He whines and looks away with a huff.
"Ggukie I wan uppies. I no wan to twake bubble bath agwain."
My eyes widen.

I shake my head.
"You can't just say that kitten. You're already in the water."
He sits down with a hiss after the water touches his tail then he begins to wail.
I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration and go over to the bath tub where he makes grabby hands.

I sigh and lift him out of the water after wrapping a towel around his wet body.
He immediately stops crying and smiles slightly at me.
"C-cwan Ggukie shower with Taetae?"
I almost drop him with he asks that question but he's quick to hold on to me and all of a sudden i'm not met with the innocent eyes of the kitten but the dark eyes of Taehyung.
"What the hell are you doing?" 

I gulp harshly as he pulls me by my collar.
Fuck my life.


A/n: yeah no i've come to conclusion that I suck at writing stories 😂 i'm so sorry. I used to write taekook smuts and oneshots until wattpad deleted my account at 400k+ views on the book 🙄

I'm still mad at wattpad for doing that 🚶🏾‍♀️

Welp, nevertheless, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Thank you for reading this book :)! Hope I don't disappoint.

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