┈━═☆ Chapter ten ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Spicy dream❞
★彡 - 彡★


Author's Pov:

Morning dawned but the hybrid, the eldest and the youngest was still fast asleep.
Jungkook's arms were crossed as Taehyung clinged to him, his hand firmly wrapped around the younger's bicep and Jeongguk held his waist from begin technically spooning the elder and sleeping soundly.

The house was silent.
The only things that could be heard was the chirping of the birds and the soft blowing of the wind through the trees.
That was until a certain someone started whimpering in his sleep ans shifting around completely unaware of who he was pushing his plump butt on as he slept.

Jeongguk groaned and tightened his grip on the elder's waist.
He wasn't necessarily a heavy sleeper but a light one.
Jungkook on the other hand slept like a plank. Anything could happen and he would still be dead asleep.

Jeongguk's eyes flew open at the sound of the hybrid moaning.
"Kitten." He growled lowly in his morning voice as he held the hybrid's waist to stop him from moving around.
Unfortunately, for him, the hybrid was still asleep and completely unaware of what he was doing.

Jeongguk moved his body away a little when Taehyung tried to grind on him again.
It didn't help but the hybrid wore nothing under the hoodie.
He peeped at the hybrid before closing his eyes again with a sigh.

Jeongguk eyes flew up again and now he was stuck just staring at the ceiling as he listened to the hybrid's moans.
'Cut it out Jeongguk. He's just having a wet dream.'
His eyes widened. He looked at the hybrid to see if he was awake but the hybrid wasn't.
"Ugh I don't have time for this. How can he just moan my name like that in his sleep?"

Frustrated, the younger twin got off of the bed and made his way to the bathroom to take a cold shower and get ready for work.
Meanwhile Taehyung started squeezing Jungkook's muscles harder in his sleep and whimpering.
Jungkook slowly began to shift in his sleep as he felt his arm being squeezed harshly.
"K-kookie. Please."
That was enough to have Jungkook awake.

He lifted his head to look at the hybrid sleepily and blinked his eyes in confusion.
'Why is he moaning my name?'
He shook his head and tried to go back to sleep but when he felt Taehyung humping the side of his thigh he immediately shook the hybrid awake.

"Taehyung? Wake up."
The hybrid only whined and quickened his pace.
"Oh hell no." Jungkook muttered below his breath with a groan as he felt his thigh getting humped from the side but that wasn't it at all.
It didn't feel like dry humping but something haed poking his thigh and he didn't dare to look to see what it was.

"Please please please tell me his wet dream will be over soon."
As if the universe heard the boy Taehyung stopped but moaned his name and his twin's name in his sleep.
"What the fu.."
The boy didn't know what to do.
He ran his hand through his hair and stared at the ceiling starting to question life.
All he could think was 'why?'

The hybrid, his brother and him wasn't in a relationship so why would Taehyung have a wet dream about them?
Jungkook sat up and peeped at the hybrid only to see a small bump in the hoodie instead of the human.
He stood up and decided to go to the kitchen to cook breakfast because he knew Jeongguk was in the bathroom and he sure as hell didn't want to deal with his perverted brother early in the morning.

Jeongguk sang in the shower.
His voice was soothing and soft as he ran his hands through his hair and smiled to himself.
He felt calm and awake taking the cold shower but unfortunately, for him, the needy hybrid he had left with Jungkook was now standing right in front of the shower curtain.
How did he know this? He could see the shadow.

"What do you need Taehyung?"
He sounded aggravated completely forgetting that Taehyung is not always in big space.
"G-ggukie. Taetae had a spicy dream."
Jeongguk wanted the ground to swallow him whole.
He knew the elder had a 'spicy dream' but he didn't want to deal with it.
He admits that Taehyung is sexy but he doesn't think about the boy that way...maybe maybe not.

"Uh huh and what do you want me to do about that kitten?"
Jeongguk casually took ahold of the soap and started soaping his body not caring that the hybrid could literally pull the curtain any second.
"I..um...Taetae no no. Taetae just wan Ggukie know!"
A soft giggle escaped the hybrid's lips.
'How does he know what a spicy dream is if he's in littlespace?'

"Well that's very good Taetae. Is there anything you want to tell me?"
Jeongguk was just focused on cleansing his body but the hybrid was not gonna go easy on him.
"Mhm! The dweam was about Ggukie and dada."
Jeongguk froze in position.
He didn't know how to respond to that not did he know how to feel.
Should he ask the hybrid what they did in the dream?

"W-what did we do in the dream kitten?"
Tapping his chin and then smiling to the twin behind the shower curtains the little kitten hybrid responded with enthusiasm.
"Ggukie kwiss Taetae neck and dada mwake Taetae feel gwood!"
Jeongguk frowned.
What did the little mean by that?

"Is that all we did kitten?"
He bit his bottom lip as he awaited the answer of the hybrid and rinsed his body.
"Mhm. Ggukie cwan chu kwiss Taetae neck?"
Jeongguk choked on his spit.
"Kitten! Don't say things like that."
The little's lips started to wobble and soon sniffles were heard.

"Dadaaa!!!" The loud cries of the hybrid was heard.
Jeongguk's eyes rolled to the back of his head in annoyance.
He heard Jungkook rush into the bathroom and saw his shadow lifting Taehyung.
"What's wrong baby? Did you get hurt? Dada's here."

The kitten hybrid shook his head and pointed to the shower curtain.
"Ggwukie being mweanie to Taetae."
'Fuck my life'
Jeongguk turned the shower off and proceeded to get out after wrapping a towel around his waist.
The other twin bounced the hybrid up and down in his arms to calm him down and glared at his brother.

"What's wrong with you Gguk. Why are you always mean to him?"
Jeongguk scoffed and glared at the hybrid then at Jungkook.
"You expect me to kiss his neck Jungkook? I may be a pervert but I know for sure that I should not touch him when he's a little space."
Jeongguk gritted his teeth as Jungkook looked surprised and the hybrid just sniffled.

"Get the hell out of my way. I have to work." With that the boy stomped to the room not noticing the soft giggle of the hybrid.
Jungkook sighed and looked at the hybrid in his arms.
"What will I do with you huh?"
He pressed a soft kiss to the hybrid's forehead and smiled slightly.
"Wub me!" Jungkook shook his head with a smile.
He needed to have a conversation with Taehyung out of littlespace but for now that had to wait as for now he was going to feed the hybrid and give him whatever he wants.


A/n - well then 👁👄👁

Jungkook loved to spoil the hybrid. Tsk.

This book is ranking #32 in taegguk and idk why but i'm really surprised 😅 thank you all for reading and voting ❤ I appreciate it.

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