┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-eight ☆═━┈

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❝An hour.❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

It's been an hour.
An hour since Taehyung has disappeared,
An hour since Jungkook has been pacing the room back and forth,
An hour since i've felt nothing...
Nothing but guilt that is and it was slowly eating me up on the inside.
Why did I have to take my eyes off of him?
I should've known this would happen.
I should've been more careful.
These are the things that filled my mind.

"Jungkook. You've been pacing back and forth this room for an hour now. Don't you think you should si-"
Just the glare he shoots me causes me to tremble a little and stop myself from talking.
I pressed my lip into a thin line as I listened to the room fall silent again with nothing but the harsh footsteps of my uneasy brother slamming against the smooth wooden ground.
"I-I should've had him when I was working. I should've kept him o-on my lap or something."

For the umptienth time his voice cracks.
Just like it did from the past hour.
I frown when I see the familiar tears trickling down his cheeks,
The familiar pained look in his eyes when he looks at me and the look of guilt.
I knew it was eating him alive more than it was me.
For me I was more filled with anger inside of me but I understood how he felt.
I understood that the boy he likes so much is taken by the psychopath of a person Jimin hyung had warned us about.

I stay silent.
When I tried talking him out of his state during the hour he had reverted to shouting at me.
I knew his emotions were all over the place right now so I let him.
I let him rant and feel the things he felt because it's okay to allow yourself to feel sometimes...
Something i'd have to learn.
I don't like feeling at all but when it comes to the little kitten I can't help but to feel every emotion i've ever experienced and it's truly beautiful.

"D-do you think it's my fault G-guk? Do you think if I had gone after him he would've still been here?"
I stare into his teary eyes as he tries to wipe the tears away furiously but fails when even more forms.
I sigh.
"I know you may think that this is your fault Jeongguk but even if you did go after him he would've gotten taken anyways. He would've been here a little longer, yes but he eventually would get taken because that was the plan of his ex owner all along." I explain.

I see the guilt wavering in his eyes.
He runs his hand through his hair frustratingly and pinches the bridge of his nose.
I watch his shoulders move up and down from how hard he was crying and listened to his uncontrollable sobs.
He really loves Taehyung huh?
Here he is showing the emotions that i'm too afraid of showing,
Here he is head over heels for the little kitten but how can I blame him?
I'm no one to talk.
I've got a strong liking for that kitten too and it hurts me to see my brother like this.
To see him so...broken.

So doing the only thing I know best I get off of the bed and walk towards him.
He doesn't lift his head to look at me but instead keeps crying in the palm of his hands and hiccuping.
He's cried so much that i'm afraid he'll pass out from all the exhaustion from it.
Crying can be a immensely draining activity sometimes.

Once our bodies aren't that far from each other and pull him in to a hug.
I make sure to lay his head against my shoulder and play with his hair in hopes that it would calm him down.
While staring at the wall and feeling my brother's body become at ease against mine I can't help but to smile because for once i've done something right,
For once i'm here for him as he was for me
And for once I can return the favour of caring for my elder brother.

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