┈━═☆ Chapter eighteen ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Back to work & A whiny baby❞
★彡 - 彡★


Third Person's Pov:

After an eventful day it was no secret that the twins had to go to work again.
They did their morning routine along with Taehyung and carried him to work with direct transport insisted by the one and only Park Jimin.

They felt exhausted from the day before but they had to work.
They didn't want to depend on their hyung aka their boss for everything.
On the ride to work Taehyung was fast asleep on Jeongguk's shoulder and had his tail wrapped around one of Jungkook's arms.

He had given them a hard time in the morning to wake up.
It was difficult due to him being in littlespace all morning but they eventually got him dressed.
Due to them moving houses they had to go by vehicle and Jimin didn't want them to take any public transport in fear that it would be easier for Yeosang to take Taehyung.

Finally arriving at the job Taehyung shifted to his kitten form and fell fast asleep on Jungkook's lap curled up in a ball.
Other workers at the building would come in from time to time and see the little kitten.
They would coo not knowing that it was an actual kitten hybrid.
No one suspected that hybrids still existed but boy were they wrong.

Jeongguk seemed to be in work mode all morning and Jungkook was the same.
Taehyung didn't mind because he was fast asleep but once he noticed that the twins hadn't paid much attention to him he began to become fussy.

Shifting into his human form and giving Jungkook a pout he whined.
"What is it baby? Are you hungry?"
Of course that was the first thing Jungkook thought about when Taehyung whines.
Jeongguk on the other hand furrowed an eyebrow.
He knew the hybrid's games too well.

"I think he just wants attention Kook." He concluded then began to type again.
Jungkook looked at his twin then back at the pouty hybrid in front of him.
"Is Taetae needy? Need dada to cuddle him?" Jungkook pouted himself to mock the hybrid but he only whined again.
Taehyung in littlespace and in need of attention was not an easy combination.

"Atenson! Taetae wan atenson." His tail moved from side to side,
He bounced a little on the younger's lap causing Jungkook to clear his throat and hold his hips still.
"Baby I know but Dada has to work okay? You can lay your head on my shoulder if you want for now."
The suggestion did not please the hybrid.

He shook his head.
"I wan' dada atenson now pwease~ Taetae nweed atenson."
The way the hybrid spoke sounded as if he was deep into littlespace.
Jumgkook sighed and looked at his brother for help but Jeongguk grinned wickedly and shook his head.

"But I have to work."
"I don wan chu too."
"Baby I don't like to work either but Dada has to make money some-"
The younger looked at the hybrid in surprise.
Never did he have to deal with Taehyung being that bratty to him.
It was ways Jeongguk the one he's usually bratty to.

"Lower your voice kitten. You should know what tone to use with me."
Jungkook's voice was beginning to become annoyed.
Jeongguk could tell that the hybrid shouting made Jungkook aggravated but he just sat back and enjoyed the hybrid being a whiny baby.

"I cwan twalk howeber I wan." The hybrid huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
Jungkook internally cooed but promised himself not to show the effects the hybrid had on him.
"Do you want me to bend you over and spank you right here? Because I will. You're being such a brat right now baby."

As those words left Jungkook's lips the hybrid whimpered and he immediately shook his head.
Jungkook grinned in success and pressed a soft kiss to the hybrid's cheek making Taheyung purr softly.
"Good boy. Now lay your head on my shoulder so dada can work yeah?"

It wasn't a suggestion.
More of a command.
The hybrid would've disobeyed and been a little brattier but he wasn't in rhe mood to get spanked.
Getting spanked by Jeongguk was one thing but getting spanked by Jungkook was another.
He feared Jungkook's punishments, he liked Jeongguk's punishments.

Being the good boy that he is laid his head on the younger's shoulder and began to suck on his finger.
Jeongguk enjoyed watching Jungkook be stern to the little kitten.
It was a pleasant sight to see his whipped brother finally realize sometimes that the hybrid is a huge brat sometimes.

He locked eyes with the kitten.
He could tell that the hybrid was deep into little space by the look in his eyes.
It wasn't teasing like other times but innocent.
Nothing but innocence was present.
He visibly cooed.

"Aigoo~" he let himself hear it only but Jungkook caught on to it.
He looked up at his brother and quirked and eyebrow then smirked when he blushed and looked away.
Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't let him rest would they?

Clearimg his throat he got back to work.
Focusing on making a written report for Jimin's encorporated and making sure to concentrate.
He wanted to impress the boss, show him that he can do a good job even after Jimin doing alot for them.
He felt the need to do well because of Jimin doing good on to them.

Soon the office was quiet again.
Only the constant sounds of Taehyung sucking his finger and humming from time to time could be heard.
His tail rested on his lap indicating that he was calm and his eyes locked on Jungkook's computer screen.

The younger tried his best to focus with the hybrid on his lap but sometimes Taehyung's ear would twitch and tickle his neck.
He would brush it off but won't deny that it gave him the shivers.

Soon enough the office was too quiet for the hybrid's liking.
So what did he do?
He started to whine.
Jungkook cursed under his breath out of frustration and thought about what he could do to get the hybrid to stop.

Then he finally came up with a solution.
He lifted the hybrid like a mother would her baby and started walking around the office with the hybrid in his arms.
Jeongguk looked at him as if he was crazy but the other smiled because Taehyung's whining had finally stopped and soft snores escaped his lips.


A/n- Not me almost slipping into littlespace halfway through this chapter 👉🏽👈🏽

I go into littlespace sometimes but then I go into domspace at other times. It can never be just one for me-

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this update ❤ see ya'll in the next update and thank you to everyone that is supporting this book.

I appreciate it :D!!!

#17 in namgi

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