┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-nine ☆═━┈

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❝Little kittens❞
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1 year later...

Jungkook's Pov:

"One." I count.
"Two." Jeongguk counts.
"Three." I count again.
"Four." We go on.

I give Jeongguk a look and he smirks.
"I don't know who's listening right now but I do know that whoever is the first to come out will be the one to get treats."
We both hear some soft giggles at that.
I give him another silent look as a way of telling him to continue.
He nods and looks forward again.
"Well--" he sighed dramatically "I guess i'm going to have all these strawbe--"

"Ggukie appa!" Sohee whines.
She runs out with her little legs, kitten ears looking in the shape of an airplane and her fluffy tail swaying side to side.
Jeongguk grins and picks her up when she makes grabby hands.
He smooches her cheeks and she literally hugs his head with a light pout on her pink lips.
"Good girl. What did appa tell you about hiding when it's lunch time huh?"
"No do it. 'M sowwy." She apologizes in her soft voice and I coo, taking her into my arms.

"Wait where's Gohan?" I question with a confused eyebrow.
Sohee plays with my hair with her smol fingers while blabbering gibberish.
Jeongguk shrugs at me.
"You know he's a 'momma's' boy. He won't come out unless he hears tae." He scoffs and I chuckle in amusement.

"You're just mad that he doesn't want to play with you like Taehyung does." Jeongguk is the one pouting this time.
"I'm not!" He protests "I just want him to spend more time with his appa Ggukie but when I do he sticks his tongue out at me."
I laugh at him and he shoots a glare.
"That's because you're lame."
"Appa Kookie what's wame?" The innocent child in my arm questions.

Oh I forgot to mention.
After Taehyung's heat he had gotten pregnant.
Since he's a hybrid our babies grew faster than expected.
The child I have in my arm is Sohee, our 1 year old daughter.
She has a twin.
His name is Gohan and he--

Jeongguk suddenly topples over on the couch.
The small boy with black ears and a fluffy back tail is on top of him trying to pull his hair out with his small hand.
That's our little Gohan;
Literally an 'angel'.

"Hey! I told you not to run around like that. You know you're going to hurt yourself if you keep---ouch ouch ouch!! Jungkook! Sohee! Help~" we both laugh as we see Gohan biting Jeongguk's cheek.
"Appa look~ Ggukie appa gets nom noms!" Sohee squeals and laughs loudly.
I chuckle; amused.

"Rrrr." Gohan growls and bites Jeongguk's head.
I'm so busy laughing that I didn't realize Sohee started biting my cheek with her soft teeth.
"Hey!" I scold with a groan.
"Kim Sohee~"
She giggles when I started to tickle her.
"Aaahh!!" She wiggles in my arms.

I grin in success and continue on then Jeongguk copies me and does the same to Gohan.
The squeals fill the entire living room.
I tickle Sohee's side all the way to the couch.
My heart fills up as our children's joyful squeals grow louder and louder.

"Hey. What's all the rockous inside of here?" Taehyung's voice snaps us out of our play fight.
I grin and so does Jeongguk.
"Hey baby."
"Hey kitten."
"Taetaeee!!!" Sohee and Gohan shouts and hops off the sofa only to jump into Taehyung's arms. His boxy smile comes to play.
I look at Jeongguk and Jungkook looks at me.
We both smile and when we look back Taehyung is already looking at us with the brightest smile.
Still as beautiful as the first day we met.
"Hey Kook, Gguk." He walks towards us with our kids in hand.
Eventually we are all seated together in a cuddle train.
There is no longer one little kitten but little kittens.


A/n- and that, my loves, is the end of little kitten :)

This book is finally complete!!! I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading, the love and support, your comments, your time, etc. Thank you for indulging yourself in this book. I really appreciate it 💗✨

As you all know I'm writing other books so if you want you can check those out. I may or may not publish more books in the future too so if you enjoyed this book and you would like more of it be sure to follow me 💘

Again, thank you all soooooo much and I really really really hope you all enjoyed little kitten ☺ I will make more gguktaekook content in the future since there rarely is 🙄 that's why I started writing a book like this in the first place. {Took me almost a year to complete this book damn}

So yeah, I love you all and take care. See ya or not 😘😘😘 xoxo

-Kiki 💚💜💙

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