┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-two ☆═━┈

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❝Naughty Kitten❞
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Jungkook's Pov:

Jeongguk and I are now at work.
We gave each other kisses on the cheek and hugged so Taehyung would be satisfied and surprisingly Jeongguk wasn't mad any more.
Of course Taehyung was here with us but he wasn't necessarily being the best of a hybrid right now.

He would sit on my lap and when I tried to touch him he'd slap my hand away then he would sit on Jeongguk's lap and whine making Jeongguk all flustered.
If i'm being honest it was a bit aggravating since i'm trying to concentrate but who am I to deny our kitten?

Speaking of kitten. . .
Where is he?
My eyes travelled from my computer screen over to Jeongguk and panicked when I saw that Taehyung wasn't there.
He locked eyes with me and furrowed an eyebrow in confusion.

"Where's Taehyung?" I question.
His eyes go wide.
He looks from side to side as if trying to find him and my heart almost drops to my stomach.
A sense of panick pents up inside of me as he's no where in sight.

"Looking for me Jungkookie?"
My eyes fall to under my desk.
Taehyung's head pops out innocently between my thighs and my heart starts to hammer against my chest in fear of someone seeing him like that.
The look he gives me wasn't helping either.
"Y-yes. Get out from there."

"Jungkook? You okay?"
Jeongguk's voice interrupts me from stopping the kitten.
"Y-yeah. Go back to work."
He furrows an eyebrow but does as I say then I avert my eyes to Taehyung again.

His 'innocent' eyes are locked with mine and I could clearly see his furry ear twitch which meant he's up to no good.
His face rest gently on my thigh and hands rubbing the other.
"Don't you dare Taehyung I swe-oh g-god."
I swallow my moans when he begins to rub his head against my thigh and purr.
Who knew it would feel that good?

"T-Taehyung. St-"
"Jungkook? Is Taehyung under there?"
I let out a low growl.
Not because i'm not able to take Taehyung's constant teasing but because Jeongguk interrupted.
"Yes. Keep working."
He rolls his eyes and gets up from his seat.
"I'm going to use the washroom."

I nod my head not being able to say anything else as the hybrid between my thighs continues to rub his face on the surface of it.
I look down at him and curse at the sight. He's cute yet being such a tease.
His eyes are shut and ears twitching, purring sending vibrations on my thigh and fur tickling a little.
Is this just a comfort or is he actually trying to tease me?
Because if he is then it's working.

Imagine him riding my thigh to get himself of and moaning my name getting all whiny and-
I'm stopped when he suddenly stops.
His blue green eyes lands on mine again and I can't help but to groan.
"What were you doing Tae? You know i'm at work yet here you are under the table rubbing-"
"Mister Jeon? Please get back to work. Dirty talking to...or whatever you were doing is not much of a help during work hours. I expect to have the reports at the end of the day."

Jimin's head popped through the door,
A dark look in his eyes and a face that screamed 'business'.
Even if Jimin was my friend we had to be professional during work hours.
So with the clear of my throat and the nod of my head he closed the door having it firmly shut.

My gaze immediately averted to Taehyung and with a wicked grin he removes himself from between my legs but not before giving my thigh kitten lick.
I remain silent.
I let my eyes travel back to my computer screen then back at Taheyung that was dusting whatever off of his butt right in front of me.

I swallow the nothingness in my dry throat and try to look at anything else except for his plump butt that exposes itself nicely through his black soft pants.
Who's idea was it?
I just want to talk....
Before leaving he back at me and sends a wink my way.
Then he walks away and sways his hips naturally from side to side, his tail moving in motion with him and it drives me crazy.
Who would've known that I would have such a desirable spot for the cutie.

Then he exits the door going to i'm guessing Jeongguk seeing that he hasn't came back yet and i'm left here alone,
And frustrated all because of a naughty kitten.
How fun it is to be me.

Taehyung's Pov:

After leaving the office I thank Jisoos that there isn't anyone in the hallway.
It's practically empty and lights beam from different windows and the see through doors.
I let my eyes search the area and scan for a certain someone but he is no where in sight.

Then it hits me.
Where is would Jeongguk be?
I let my feet take me to where it needs to be.
I already had thought about shifting if anyone was to see me because it may be normal to see a kitten but a boy with furry ears, a long fluffy white tail that looks far from the cosplay outfits people use?
I don't think so.
Mine is natural and that's why I have to be careful.

Also being the only hybrid left...as they say, I need to be careful.
So I don't walk at a slow pace.
I allow myself to speed up in walking as if someone is chasing me and i'm trying not to make a big scene in public then before I know it i'm inside the washroom.
As i'm inside I get pinned to the wall and the door slams causing me to squeak.
"What are you doing here kitten?"

I gulp.
My eyes travel from his dark ones to his messy torso,
Then to his belt that's been unbuckled.
A smirk takes over my face intentionally and I lock eyes with his again.
"You've been fucking someone in here Jeon?"
My voice is daring, teasing and soft.
I want to mess with him, aggravate him and make him uneasy.
"And if I have?"

My heart begins to hammer inside of my chest in excitement.
Not because he could've possibly been having sex with someone but because of the stillness in his voice covering the rage that wanted to take over, to break under my control and let me take over.
"Doesn't mean anything to me because Ggukie...You can fuck whoever you want and I can too."

His forehead presses against mine and so does his body.
Softly breathing his eyes darts to my lips and hovers above it.
"What if I say that I want to fuck you? That I don't want anyone else but your body under me?"

s he came closer I took the moment to sniff his scent without him noticing so I know that he hasn't really been doing that with someone else.
He hasn't.
He smells like himself.
"What if I told you that..." I lean close to his ear and pull him in by his tie.

"You could never."
As I finish that sentence I push him away leaving him bewildered and dumbfounded.
"Gotta go pee sorry." I send him a wink and enter one of the washroom stalls with the largest grin on my face.
I love being a naughty kitten.


A/n- No Jeongguk didn't frickle frackle anyone 😂 the twins are going to be loyal periodt 💅🏽 but there may or may not be another form of angst 🌝

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Bye~

Question: If I published a gguktaekook smut book after this would you all read it?

Let me know in the comments and thank you all for the support 💜

I love you 3000 ♡

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