┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-seven ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ Sleepy Kitty ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jungkook's Pov:

The house is quiet again.
Months has passed and I still have the constant fear that someone is going to take Taehyung away from me;
Away from us.
That would never be part of my wish for anyone.
Losing the one you love and care about is like losing a part of yourself.

That's besides the point though.
I push my laptop away with a stretch.
My eyes fall on the outside world through the window.
The sun is high and the sky painted a light blue.
In conclusion it's a good day to go outside or get ice cream.

With that thought in mind I push myself up and bolt out of the room.
"Jeongguk!" I call out.
"What do you want? I'm in the middle of a game!" He whines.
I roll my eyes.
'As usual.' I huff.

I take careful footsteps down the staircasing until i'm met with the boy sitting on the couch.
His phone is in hand and eyes concentrated.
He's probably trying to play mario cart or some random game he always complains about.

"Have you seen Taehyung? I swear I just had him on my lap some minutes ago then boom when I look down he's no longer there and my lap is empty." I complain.
His eyes shift to me for a split second.
"Nope. Haven't seen him." He shrugs as if it's the most normal thing ever.

"Okay so let me get this straight-"
"But hyung we're gay."
I groan out loud and pinch my eyebrows together.
"Jeon Jeongguk just listen to me for a second." I sigh.
I need my little kitten.
I'll go nuts if he's not in the house.

He whines and sets his game aside.
I could see him glaring at me but I could care less.
"Right. Where was the last place you saw him?"
"Um I don't know. I was focused on winning the game and I didn't see him pass by or anything."
I furrow an eyebrow.
"Are you sure? He didn't meow or you didn't even hear the little purring or the footsteps?"

I see his eyes look at the ceiling as if he was thinking about it. Then he looks at me again.
"No. I remember seeing something at the side of my eyes but when I looked there was nothing there."
I feel my stomach drop for a little until I see his stupid grin and hear the annoying laugh.
"Gotcha! He's right next to me sleeping."

I shoot daggers through his head with my eyes and walk over to him.
He moves back as if he's about to run but when i'm close enough to the couch he starts shushing me for no reason.
"Don't you-"
"Gguk he's sleeping! If you make noise he'll wake up."

I walk around the couch to confirm on whether or not he's lying to me.
Then  I see the ball of fluffiness curled up in his lap.
He has his little paws stretched out against Jungkook's thigh, his eyes are shut and his head is held up.
His fluffy tail moves back and forth.
There is even times I see his pink tongue stick out to lick his smol pink lips.

"Aawww," I coo. "My little kitten~" I sniffle dramatically and put my hands out to take him away from Jeongguk's lap.
He slaps my hand away and strokes behind Taehyung's little kitten ears.
I hear the kitten pur a little.
Then I glare at Jeongguk.
"I want him." I complain.

He sticks his tongue out at me and keeps his hand hanging off the back rest of the couch.
"You can't have him. You literally had him on your lap for more than an hour and plus he was in his human form so that was extra cuddliness." He  argues in a whisper tone.

I cross my arms.
Sometimes Jeongguk and I can get a little petty on who gets to spend time with Taehyung and who doesn't although most of the time it's equal.
"Well ever since he left my lap it's only been like an hour so I could get him back now since you've had your chance. Now gimme." I make grabby hands to snatch the little kitten away but Jeongguk slaps my hanf away again.

"Leave him alone. He's a sleepy kitty." Jeongguk awed.
He put a peck on taehyung's fluffy fur.
I hear the little kitten pur again.
"Come on Gguk. I promise you can be the one showering with him later if you just let me have my time with him now." I try to bribe.
He thinks about it for a sec.
"How about," he taps his chin then looks at me again, "No." He finishes and my smile frops.

"Fine then i'm not cooking for neither of you tonight and plus there will be no cuddling and because of you i'm going to punish-"
Jeongguk's eyes widened.
"Hey! You can't do that. You know how he gets hyung~He literally tried to spank me because I scolded him for eating too much candy when he was in little space."

I snorted and burst into a fit of laughter.
"R-really?" I stutter out in between my loud laughing.
He whines.
"It's not funny! If it happens again he'll want to pin me to the wall and everything hyung. He's like a tiger instead of a kitten."
I listen to my brother's complaining only to laugh more.
I'm on the floor this time.

"Wait." I stop with a pant and flick my tears away.
"Did you say he would pin you to the wall? I did realise his behaviour is more aggressive these days towards you but towards me he literally rubs his head against my shoulder and purs loudly. I just thought it was normal kitten behvaiour though you know?" I state.
When I see his eyes widen I know something's up.

I think about it then it hits me like a truck.
"Do you think he's nearing he-"
Before I could finish my sentence I hear the groggy voice speak up.
"Why are you two so loud?"
I seal my lips shut knowing what we're both in for this time.
The sleepy kitty has awoken and so has something else.


A/n-Okayyy my kittens here's an update 😄

On the other hand smut is pretty close 😉

See ya'll in the next chapter babies 😘💜 bye~

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