┈━═☆ Chapter twenty ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
A Boner & Moans
★彡 - 彡★


Author's Pov:

Morning dawned and Taehyung's ability to remain still became challenging.
He hadn't moved much during the night but now that he felt his body awakening he shifted around in the other's lap completely unaware of even being on top of Jeongguk.

"Mmm." Just the groan sent his head flying up into the air and his eyes widening.
Being in littlespace for too long had him confused on why the hell he was sleeping on top of Jeongguk when he's in just a towel.
"Oh god."

He shook his head, rubbing his eyes and looked over to Jungkook.
The other twin was fast asleep and sleeping like the dead; fully clothed
But Jeongguk wasn't.
Jeongguk was just in a towel and that scared Taehyung so he did the only thing that could come to his mind;

He began to bounce on the other's lap in attempt to wake him.
Unfortunately, he didn't think that through as now he had hands gripping his hips for him to stay still and a low grunt coming from Jeongguk.
The younger was still asleep yet his eyebrows furrowed an a low whine emitted through his lips.

He shut his eyes trying to process what wad happening.
Did they have sex?
His butt doesn't hurt so they probably didn't but there's still a possibility.
Millions of thoughts ran through his mind and he had to take a deep breath to calm himself from just slapping the other in his sleep for possibly taking advantage of him.

It's not like he wouldn't have sex with Jeongguk, he definitely would if he received the chance to do so but he just didn't want it to be a mistake.

After taking that deep breath he leaned close to Jeongguk's ear and whispered in his groggy morning voice.
"Jeonggukie. Wake up."
Then the grip on his hips tightened and another low grunt released from the younger's lips.

aehyung cursed below his breath not thinking about how close they were to Jeongguk's ear and the possibility of Jeongguk having a wet dream and confusing it with reality.

Attempting to talk, he stuttered but that wasn't the only problem;
Now he could feel something hard poking at his butt and as if he didn't curse once he let out multiple profanties into Jeongguk's ear when he felt it under him.
Jeongguk has a boner.

He tried again.
Shaking the younger boy and trying not to move his hips to much or else it would be a problem for him too.
Or was it already a problem?
"Jeongguk...baby...wake up."
This time Jeongguk's eyes flew open.
He looked at Taehyung in fear and with the reddest face he's ever worn.

Without thinking twice he shies away and gently pushes Taehyung off of his lap to the side nly to run to the bathroom while holding his towel just so it doesn't fall and locking the door.
It all happened so fast that Taehyung just laid there, on the bed, frozen.

He looked at the sleeping Jungkook that still hadn't budged.
Then his eyes travelled down to his own boxers and could clearly see that he had a boner too.
Although the hoodie was slightly covering it he could still see it.
He whimpered immediately.
Taehyung may be a tease but he wasn't used to having these things on a regular and when he did he would just sleep it off.
Maybe he just likes to tease Jeongguk for fun maybe not.

So coming to the only conclusion he laid still again and shut his eyes ignoring the twitching below.
It was uncomfortable at first but he had gotten used to it.
He felt himself drifting off into dreamland again.

His body relaxed,
His face no longer tensed and his mouth slowly parting on it's own.
It was all okay until he heard moans.
Moans that didn't belong to him, nor Jungkook so it could only be one other person...

His eyes slowly opened this time.
He took time to process everything that was happening and looked to see Jungkook still asleep.
His face was pressed against the pillow, his cheeks practically squished and his lips formed into a pout.

He found it kind of cute actually but when he heard the moans and profanities of Jeongguk becoming louder than before his cheeks heated up.
The other's moans was unbelievably sexy and hearing how whiny Jeongguk was made him even more turned on.
His length twitched inside of his boxers and he whimpered again.

He wrapped his tail around Jungkook's arm and gave it a squeeze in hopes that Jungkook would wake up.
He didn't want to suffer alone.
Jeongguk's moans was already tempting.
He didn't know what to do so he just stared at Jungkook sleeping.

How peaceful he looks,
How he could ignore every sound,
How he looks like he's having a dream that he would remember,
How he looks so cute, peaceful and ...not hard like himself and Jeongguk.

He didn't have a sexual relationship with the twins so there's no way he would barge into the bathroom and say 'hey let me suck your di-'.
The thing is, though Jeongguk was in the bathroom and the bathroom was no where close to the bedroom  his moans were loud.

Deep, loud and whiny.
He sounded so needy but at the same time sexy and made Taehyung feel needy himself.
Taehyung wanted to reach down to his boxers and touch himself right next to Jungkook but what if the other would catch him?
What if Jungkook did catch him and would abondon him after that?
He didn't want to take that risk and besides, he could always go masturbate in the bathroom after Jeongguk right?

Well he could but that would be close to impossible.
Because Jeongguk's moans had stopped for a second and the sound of the shower being turned on was heard and by the looks of it Jeongguk would be in there for a long while.

Being too lost in thought,
He didn't know that the other twin had woken up staring directly into his soul.
His eyes were dark and hooded, lips tugged between his teeth but then he let it go which was awfully satisfying.
Just from the other's morning voice, the hybrid whimpered.
Jungkook's voice was much deeper than it usually would be.
A long silence was present before Jungkook spoke again still witholding eye contact.

"Can you tell me why you've been rutting your dick against my thigh?"
Taehyung wanted to die,
Of embarrassment,
Literally and what made it worse was that Jeongguk apparently didn't shower since he stood at the doorframe with a completely dry body and the towel wrapped around his waist showing off his golden skin. Don't forget the smirk on his face.
"Did my moans turn you on kitten?"
Taehyung gulped.
How was he going to respond to that?


A/n- Sorry I took so long to update 🙁

This chapter isn't the best but I hope you somewhat enjoyed it?

No smut yet no worries 😅 just sexual tension...for now

Sorry if this chapter sucked ;-; I humbly apologize for my sucky writing :(

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