┈━═☆ Chapter twenty-five ☆═━┈

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Author's Pov:

A little while after Jeongguk and Taehyung's encounter they became even closer than before.
Things were alot better but one thing didn't change;
They were still like Tom and Jerry.
They would chase each other around the mansion and play fight with each other at other almost everyday.
Jungkook on the other hand was super busy with work thanks to Jimin so the most he would do was cuddle with the hybrid and let him sit on his lap while he worked if the hybrid needed his attention.

He never spoke to Taehyung about the kiss and what happened before the hybrid had left the bathroom to go to Jeongguk.
They never spoke about it and vowed in their minds to never speak of it.
Jungkook having encountered walking in on Jeongguk and Taehyung's little conversation felt guilty.
He realized that he didn't consider how Jeongguk would feel about him kissing Taehyung especially since his twin likes the hybrid too.
The difference between Jeongguk and Jungkook was that Jeongguk confessed.
Jungkook did not so Taehyung was kind of oblivious to the other liking him.

As for Taehyung's feelings...he was confused.
He liked Jeongguk but he liked Jungkook too so in the end he always got frustrated and shifted into his kitten form again after having been thinking about it.
To which would result in Jeongguk cuddling him on his own lap knowing that he was probably feeling down.
What he didn't know was that the hybrid was actually beginning to have a crush...or two crushes.
Taehyung still needed time to sort his feelings out.

On one hand Jeongguk acted all tough, grumpy and careless on the outside but on the inside he was a baby and Taehyung loves that about him.
He also loves praising the boy in times when he would feel insecure and Jeongguk would get all shy and whiny.
Embarrassed even.
On the other hand he loves Jungkook's caring nature. He loves to be held , babied and dominated by the other so he was really stuck in the middle.
He would give it a little more thought as the days go by and tell them about his decision.
In the end he hope he doesn't disappoint either of the twins.

❝Kitten! Stop being a brat!❞ Jeongguk shouted.
His voice was playful yet serious.
The kitten hybrid stuck his tongue out at the boy and ran to Jungkook like he always does when he's being a brat towards Jeongguk.
❝D-dada~! Ggukie is being mean to Taetae.❞
Of course he would pull that card.
The little kitten knew of Jungkook's soft spot for him and used it to his advantage.
He climbed on to the twin's lap not sparing a glance at the other twin that was glaring at him.
❝Gguk. Don't be mean to Taetae.❞
Jungkook spoke with eyes still glued to the laptop.
Jeongguk huffed and stomped away thinking of ways he could punish the little not missing the mischievous glint of evil in the little kitten's eyes.

"You're being a mischievous little kitten again aren't you bub?"
Taehyung giggles when Jungkook tickles his tummy.
His doe eyes was glued to  the other's face and lips parted in awe when Jungkook stopped.
"Nu nu. Twaetae ish good bwoy!"
Taehyung tried to assure the other boy but Jungkook knew that wasn't true.
Taehyung is anything but a good boy.
Well...sometimes he is.

He booped Taehyung's nose causing the hybrid to scrunch it cutely.
"What did I say about lying to dada hm?"
While saying all of this Jungkook glanced at his computer in order to keep focus on the work he was doing.
Taehyung pouted and bit the boy's cheek in attempt to gain his attention.
He needed all the attention in the world or else he would die.
"Ouch! Baby!"
Then the little scrambled off of Jungkook's lap and dashed out of the room.

Jungkook shook his head and wiped the spit off of his cheek.
"That hybrid is going to be the death of me."
The mumble was heard by a certain someone.
A someone that has been watching the scene the entire time.
Their lips grew into a smirk as they lurked at the boy working peacefully.
"Oh he definitely will be."
The phrase was inaudible but Jungkook could've sworn that he heard a whisper but of course he got back to work like no one was there.
But why did he have a bad feeling in his stomach?
And why did he feel like he was being watched?

Jeongguk's Pov:

I go to the playroom of the mansion that I had previously discovered and begin my search on what I could use to scare Taehyung.
Don't come at me but he tries to scare me with shit too.
Not things in the playroom but just his natural aura around me.
All the different toys my eyes land on and I can't decide until my eyes land on one particular utensil that could be used to tense him up a bit.

Then I exit the room in search of Taehyung.
I check the room Jungkook was in and I don't see the hybrid there.
I check other rooms of the mansion and I don't see him there.
I check the bathroom, downstairs and the backyard but I don't see him there.

"Shit shit shit."
I begin to panick.
My body becomes tensed and before I know it i'm rushing to the main room and yelling.
He gets startled at my sudden entry and looks at me in worry and confusion.
"What? What is it?"
His eyes linger between his computer and I back and forth.
His eyes are furrowed in concentration but his eyes show concern.
My heart slams hard against my ribs at the thought of Taehyung missing.
Please don't be missing.
"T-Taehyung's not in the house."
Well that's one way to put it.

Immediately, he slams his laptop shut and stands up.
He dusts himself off and tilts his head at me.
"What do you mean he's not in the house? Are you sure he's not hiding from you?"
I shake my head feeling the troubles of not breathing overtake me.
"I searched the entire house. I didn't find him a-anywhere."
Tears form in my eyes and I could tell Jungkook is internally freaking out too but he keeps a calm aura.
"The last thing I remember him doing is b-biting my cheek and running out..I..."
He stands there; speechless.

A feeling of anger rushes through me.
And he didn't follow him?!
When Taehyung is in littlespace and he does something bratty he expects the other person to chase him.
"Why didn't you go after him?" I argue.
His eyes are uneasy.
His body seems to go uneasy too as I can now see his hands starting to shake.
He runs it through his hair as a cover up but I see right through him.
"I-I was bus-"
"Call Jimin hyung."
With no hesitation he does just that.

Author's Pov:

His eyesight was unclear.
Pitch blackness and unfamiliar voices could be heard.
He could easily scream but his voice was stuck in his throat.
Tears soaked the cloth around his eyes.
He hoped that the twins would notice his disappearance but when he felt a familiar grip on his thigh and rough lips brush against his ear he knew they would have to find him quickly.
"You're mine Kim Taehyung. Never forget that."
'Pwease find Taetae... pwease.'
So it begins.


A/n- oh ;'( the conflict *sniffle*

After the conflict dies down *wink wink* that's all 'm saying.

Anyways. See you all in the next update and hope you enjoy the action. I'll put trigger warnings if anything.

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