┈━═☆ Chapter twelve ☆═━┈

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Author's Pov

Jeongguk looked back and forth more confused than ever.
"Why do you two look like you're going to fu-"
"We're not." Jungkook scoffed being the one to break eye contact only for Taehyung to grin at his own victory.
"Tae? Mind telling me what's going on? because i'm hella confused."

Taehyung smirked at Jungkook who didn't even bother to look his way.
Then Taehyung crawled on to the confused boy's lap.
"Huh? Tae what are you-"
"I missed you Ggukie. Can't I miss my owner?" His fingers ran from Jeongguk's neck to his abdomen causing the poor boy to become even more confuffled.

"Well yes but why does Kook look like he wants to-"
"Shh." Taehyung placed a finger on the younger twin's lips and smiled innocently.
Jungkook poked his inner cheek with his tongue and looked away.
He grumbled.
"What was that Kookie? What's wrong?"

While Taehyung was being a tease to Jungkook, Jeongguk was struggling with trying to contain himself from attacking Taehyung right there and then.
A long day of work and a sexy hybrid on his lap being awfully teasing was something bound to drive him crazy but he contained himself.

"Nothing. I'm going to the living room." Jungkook grumbled.
He couldn't deny the fact that he was jealous.
He didn't understand why the hybrid would flirt with Jeongguk right in front of his face right after flirting with him, himself.

He left the room with arms crossed over his chest only to have Taehyung giggle and Jeongguk roll his eyes.
"If you're done using me to make Jungkook jealous can you please hop off my di-"
"I'm not done."
Jeongguk groaned as Taehyung pulled him to the living room along with him only to be glared at by the other twin.

"I specifically left the room so that you can go ahead and flirt with him but you come here to do it in front of my face? Unbelievable." The elder twin scoffed and was about to get up when Taehyung said something to catch his attention.
Jeongguk just stood beside him awkwardly.

"Why are you acting jealous Kookie? I don't belong to you. We're not boyfriends. You're only my caregiver and that's a fact."
Jeongguk wanted to run.
He knew that Taehyung was pissing his twin off and that was something he didn't want to witness.
Taehyung was only putting himself in danger because angry Jungkook means Taehyung's gonna regret making him angry.

"That's funny." The oldest of the three started to walk towards Taehyung and that my friend was Jeongguk's cue to leave.
"Imma just-"
"No. Stay."
Jeongguk groaned.
He really didn't wanna be trapped between the situation of the two yet here he was.

"Let me get some things straight Taehyung." Jungkook's eyes blazed with anger.
He held Taehyung's chin making the boy's breath hitch.
The hybrid stepped back but was only met with Jeongguk's chest.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He husked.

Taehyung wouldn't deny that he was afraid but also excited at the same time.
He looked into the dark eyes of the twin and almost whimpered.
He hadn't seen Jungkook this angry but it was sexy as fuck.

"The easy way being.." he leaned close to the hybrid's ear.
"Apologize to me or the hard way being.." he pulled away and inched closer and closer to Taehyung's face.
So close that their lips could almost touch and sadly, for Jeongguk, he had to witness it all.
"To get punished. Now.." he pulled away a little but maintained eye contact with the hybrid.
"Which will it be babyboy?"

Jeongguk knew Jungkook was not joking when he said that.
He knew how desperately his brother wanted to punish the hybrid in the moment and he knew that he won't let Taehyung off that easy
But of course, Taehyung being the brat he is licked his lips and leaned closer to the boy with a daring look in his eyes.

"Punish me because no way am I gonna apologize about the truth."
Jungkook snapped.
He lifted the hybrid unexpectedly causing him to let out a squeak and Jeongguk to silently pray for him.
"Good luck." He whispered and sat on the couch knowing what Jungkook was going to do.

Meanwhile Jungkook carried the hybrid to the room and locked the door.
Taehyung gulped when his back and his tail met with the wall.
He let out a slight whimper.
"Don't call me that Taehyung. Bad kittens don't get to have rights to do that." The soft growl that emitted from his lips sent shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"Then what do I-I call you?"
The younger boy's lips pulled to the side to form a smirk.
"Daddy kitten. It's daddy to you."
Taehyung opened his mouth to sass at the boy but he couldn't.
Just the look Jungkook gave to him had him whimpering and submitting.
"Thought so."

The younger moved his lips to the ear of the hybrid and gave it a small kiss.
It was an innocent action but since Taehyung's ears were the most sensitive part of his body he squirmed a bit and whined.
"What? Is that too much for you kitten? Don't like it?"

The hybrid immediately shook his head.
"F-feels good daddy. Please."
Jungkook chuckled and ran his hand up and down the hybrid's waist.
The hybrid purred and let his head droop on to the human's shoulder.
"I told you bad kittens don't get what they want didn't I? You were being such a bad kitten love. You won't get what you want."
Taehyung wanted to fight the boy.
Not because he wasn't giving him what he wanted but because he was getting punished for the truth.

"The truth hurts J-Junkook-ah~gosh."
Taehyung didn't make it any better for himself.
The harsh slap on his bum represented how angry the boy was.
"Maybe it is the truth Taehyung but why flirt with him then me hm? We don't belong to you neither Taehyung so why?"
That was something the hybrid didn't know how to answer but something inside of him twisted at those words and his voice cracked.

"I-I don't know."
No matter how angry Jungkook was he could only sigh.
He lifted the hybrid's chin to make eye contact only to be met with glossy eyes.
He frowned.
"Baby dada is sorry."
"D-dada Taetae wan wuddle. Nu apowogize to Taetae."

Jungkook hummed and nodded his head.
He wondered if his words were harsh.
'Is that why he slip into littlespace?'
He unlocked the door of the bedroom and carried the hybrid to bed with him only to hold him on top of him and allow the little kitten hybrid to suck on the pacis they had bought that day.

After a while a head peaked through the door.
Jungkook was still wide awake hoping he didn't hurt or scare the boy somehow.
"Are you done?" His twin mouthed to him.
He smiled slightly and nodded.
"Yeah but I didn't punish him."
Jeongguk looked at him in shock.

"How?" He mouthed again.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and gave his brother his bunny smile.
"Just come to bed stupid."
Jeongguk pouted but obeyed the older twin and went to the bed to cuddle the hybrid along with Jungkook.


A/n- oop 🤭

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