┈━═☆ Chapter one ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝Little Kitten❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jungkook's Pov:

The annoying sound of my alarm made me jolt awake.
I immediately slammed the button for it to stop and once it did I smiled contently and laid on the bed again.

"Jungkook! You need to be awake today stupid. We need to go to work."
I groan and shake my head.
I bury my face in the pillow and ignore what Jeongguk said.

"I just want to sleep. Is that too much to ask?" I grumble to myself but before my eyes could droop again I feel a pillow against my head.

"Jeon Jeongguk!" I yell and he runs out of the room laughing at me.
Great, now i'm fully awake and my sleep is ruined.
I sigh and get out of bed going to the bathroom but guess who's there?

Jeon freaking Jeongguk.
As naked as a baby's bottom.
"Oh my gosh don't you know how to put some clothes on!" I shriek and cover my eyes but he just laughs.

"Stop being such a girl Jungkook. We're bros. We saw each other's di-"
"Nope. Not having this conversation with you." I leave the bathroom and tsk. What a pervert of a brother I have.

I sit on the bed and wait until he's done showering.
Once he does I don't even bother looking at his body because come on...why would I want to see that?

I take a warm shower unlike Jeongguk who likes his cold.
There are alot of similarities and differences between us but overall we get along.

Jungkook is three minutes younger than me.
He's more aggressive,observant and sort of an ambivert whereas I am soft, kind and well i'm kind of an ambivert too.

Introverted sometimes, extroverted the other but in reality I just fall in between. Just like my twin bother.

After i'm done showering I dry my skin and do my usual hair routine.
The towel is wrapped around my waist as the water trickles down my abs.
Yup. I'm the one with abs. Not Jeongguk.

I brush my teeth and style my hair neatly.
As much as I would like to just leave my hair as it is, I couldn't, If I did then it would be like a cloud of fluffiness and that wasn't suitable for work.

After brushing my teeth I head to the bedroom where Jeongguk is buttoning his shirt.
We share a room and a house basically because we thought is was cheaper to just live with each other.
Totally not because we didn't want to get lonely.

I get dressed ignoring the fact that Jeongguk slapped my naked butt.
"Incest." I grumbled.
Don't take that seriously.
Jeongguk just loves to slap my butt randomly.
He calls it the 'jungbooty'.

"Will Jimin be at work today?"
I look at him as he styles his hair after getting dressed.
I shrug and wear a white button up shirt and black soft pants.
"I don't know if he will be but please stop trying to hit on him. He has a boyfriend for pete's sake." I argue and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. I just need a boyfriend. I'm so lonely these days Gguk and you're a boring fart."
I scoff in disgust when he swings his arm over my shoulder.
"You don't need a boyfriend. You want one and I think it's best you stay single because Jisoos help whoever that guy will be." I push his hand off of my shoulder and proceed to wrap a watch around the wrist of my hand.

He pouts while looking at me in the mirror.
"You're mean hyung. I bet i'll get a boyfriend before you."
I smile sarcastically at him.
"Is that a challenge? I can beat you at everything Gguk." I flash him a smirk and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." He wraps a watch around his wrist also and gets his bag that he uses for work.
I do too and before we know it we're both out of the door and on our way to work.

Our work isn't that far from home so we decide to walk but while walking something catches my eyes.
A pretty white kitten with doe eyes like that puss in boots guy.

"Aww Gguk look!" I shout and he groans.
I stoop down to the level of the little kitten and start to stroke his head.
"What are you doing here on the side walk huh? Don't you have a home little one?"
"Jungkook leave that kitten-"
"Meow!" I bunny smile when the little kitten starts to purr.
It's so cute and fluffy.

"Jungkook we'll be late for work." Jeongguk argues like an old man.
I roll my eyes and focus on the cute kitten before me.
"Do you have a name little kitten?"
It looks at me with it's doe blue eyes.
"Hmm. I don't understand what you're trying to say but i'll just call you little kitten. Sounds good?"
"Meow!" The little kitten begins to rub it's head in my hand and I can't help but to coo again.

"Jeongguk! Can't we keep it? He's so cute~" my heart.
I look at my twin brother and he rolls his eyes.
He glares at the kitten then me.
"Leave that kitten alone Jungkook. We can't have another thing in our house."
I ignore his protest and take the small kitten into my hand.
Jeongguk's jaw drops and I smirk.
"Just you wait Jeongguk. You'll start to like this little kitten too and i'll have to fight you for it."

"Meow." I look at the kitten and I could've sworn that it looks like it's pouting when it heard the word 'fight'.
"You're too cute kitten. I'll take care of you."
Jeongguk sighs and begins to walk to work without me but after a while of petting the kitten I run after him.
'Today's such a good day'.

I smile to myself and enter the building where I work with the kitten in my hand.


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