┈━═☆ Chapter thirty ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ Comfort ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Taehyung's Pov:

My body awakens from the slumber I didn't know I had fallen into.
My eyes try to adjust to my surroundings but I fail miserably as all I can see is a blur which leaves me in confusion.
My head suddenly pangs and I srunch my face in agony despite not knowing where I am.
What happened?
As if on cue I hear Jeongguk's soothing voice answer my question;

"We got them put in jail all for you hyung. You're safe now, you're home and we won't allow anyone to hurt you. No one."
Those reassuring words have me internally squealing.
Since when did he get so cute?
My lips curl to the sides as I feel comfort in his arms.
One arm is wrapped around my waist and the other mazing through my locks.
His body is pressed against mine and one of my leg is slung over his waist.
I almost purr but when I hear him speak again I listen intently.

"I'm sorry we weren't there to protect you, i'm sorry I myself hadn't kept a better eye on you but now you're home right? You're home...and that's all that matters kitty."
This is supposed to be cute but I can't help but to feel shivers down my spine at the nickname.
I keep my eyes closed in case he has more to say.
His hands stop half way through brushing my hair and I almost whine.
Instead I keep my needs inside and pretend i'm still asleep.

"When they took you I was so angry at Kook. It's crazy how attached i've grown to you, how much i've..." he hesitated and my curiousity heightened.
How much he's what?
Spit it out Jeon number two.
Instead of continuing he sighs instead.
"I'm just happy that you're home again. I'll never let you go again. I promise."
And with those last words he plants a kiss on my cheek in the softest manner.
As if i'm glass that can break just by his touch,
As if i'm something so tender that he doesn't want to apply too much pressure,
As if i'm a new born baby that needs to be taken cared of.
Heat suddenly rushes throughout my body and I feel safe in his arms.
I feel at home, I feel comfort and every good feeling there is.
I'm finally home.

I bite my bottom lip in hopes of signalling him that i'm awake but he doesn't take the hint as I hear nothing but silence.
Where's Jungkook?
Think Taehyung think.
What can you do for him to know that you're awake?
My eyes and when it adjusts to the setting of where I am i'm immediately met with his dark orbs filled of sparkling stars and love?
He looks surpised when I make eye contact with him but he remains calm.
Instead his lups curl into a smile and his hand slithers it's way to one side of my cheek.
His thumb caresses the soft skin and I lean into his touch with a purr.

He chuckles.
"Hi kitten."
The way the word rolls off his tongue causes me to audibly purr but I don't let it get to me too much.
I close my eyes for a second then give him the brighest smile that I can and reply.
"Hi Gguk."
My voice is hoarse as I just woke up from sleep.
He sighs happily and closes his eyes allowing his hand to fall from my cheek to my side again.
I don't mind the silence and the stillness between us.
Instead I take the time to admire his facial feautures.
His long eyelashes,
His small lips,
His cute nose,
The mole under his lips,
The way his face relaxes when he's supposedly relaxing...or sleeping.
It all captures my attention.
I have to tell my heart to slow down or it may explode right now.

Caught up in the moment I scoot closer to him.
My legs get tangled in the cool bed sheets and my head lays against the soft pillow as I continue to admire art.
My tail wraps itself around his arm on it's own and my ear twitches in happiness.
I shiver and whimper wrapping my arms around his neck when a sudden chill is sent down my spine and bury my face in the crook of it.
My hot breath fans his skin as our hearts beat in sync when pressed against each other.
I could hear him hum,
Feel him caressing my skin and now I wonder when have we gotten this close?
I allow myself to melt in his comforting hold and feel his arms wrap around my waist with a husky hum again.
"I missed you so much Tae."
His voice is hushed,
Hoarse as if he was crying and barely able to come out.
"I missed Ggukie too."
I smile to myself as my hand automatically brushes through his hair.
I didn't realize he had been wearing a black t shirt all along but I press my lips into a thin line and mind my business.
How long has it been?

We don't move but stay in that position without any complaint for a good while.
I find my eyelids closing down on my eyeballs to drift into slumber but i'm taken aback when I feel a soft tingly feeling on, then behind my ear, then on my neck.
Oh boy.
"Gguk." I husk as a warning.
He hums and continues to place innocent kisses on my neck but it doesn't feel innocent to me as I slowly feel my body becoming warmer.
Then he suddenly stops and i'm grumbling at the lost.
"I'm sorry. I've just missed you so much hyung."
The tone he says it in does things to my stomach.
I gulp and I hug him closer.
"I'm here now aren't I? You don't have to worry any more Ggukie."

He pulls away from my neck and looks into my eyes with his teary ones.
I frown when I see the pain linger throughout them and his little shake breaks my heart.
"I don't wanna lose you again hyung..I.."
Hyung. He's saying that alot.
Usually it's 'brat' or 'kitten' or 'Tae' so I begin to worry at his state.
Where's Jungkook?
That question still bugs me but I don't want to ask.

I allow the word to escape my lips but I don't care as I want to be his comfort now.
I caress his cheek and scoot closer so I can kiss the now visible tears on his fa ce away.
"I'm here. I'm safe. I'm with you and I promise you will never lose me."
Ironically, as he's about to open his mouth again to say something I hear the loud bang of the door opening and i'm suddenly snatched out of Jeongguk's arms.
Taken by surprise I realease an exaggerrated squeal and i'm about to fight that person till I realize who it was and so I don't.
Instead I hug him tightly and inhale the scent of his neck forgetting that i'm supposed to be comforting Jeongguk right now.
Jungkook doesn't need to exchange any words with me as he lifts my chin, looks into my eyes and with a tender smile he presses his lips against mine.
My eyes widen when I realize what's happening.
My eyes don't close like his.
It's not like I don't remember kissing him already but I didn't want Jungkook to be the first one I kiss when i'm back.
I wanted it to be Jeongguk.

My eyes dart to the side to look at Jeongguk but i'm not able to think more as Jungkook deepens the kiss and I find myself giving in.
My tail wraps around his waist and my arms around his neck.
My eyes flutter shut and I melt as our lips mold together perfectly and he smiles between it.
He pulls away and places a kiss on my lips one last time before he smiles and it melts my heart.
"I missed you baby."
I missed that word.
I'm about to slip into littlespace when I suddenly see Jeongguk rush out of the room and before I knew it I was rushing out after him.


A/n- Ya'll i'm sorry 😭😭 this chapter is so crappy I-

But I really really wanted to try and update. I know I said fluff this chapter but I meant the next...

I'm sorry there's gonna be a bit of possessive gguk next chapter but I will try my best to make it fluffy.

See you all in the next update 😅 hopefully it's better

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