┈━═☆ Chapter thirty-four ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝ Needy little kitten ❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jungkook's Pov:

Just a classical day.
Jeongguk is sleeping with the little kitten on his chest and i'm finishing some work.
I steal glances from them from time to time.
I realize that Jeongguk's lips are always a bit open when he sleeps and I can't help but to laugh a little.

Should I take a picture of them?
The fluffy white kitten aka Taehyung is curled up in his chest and looks so peaceful while sleeping.
I shake my head with a smile and allow them to sleep and just go back to work.
Maybe I can prank them later or something since i'm always working.

It isn't long till I feel a fluffy tail brush against my arm and hear a groan erupt from Jeongguk's lips.
I look to the side of my eye and realize that Taehyung is look at me but I decide not to pay him any attention.
Just for the fun of it of course.

"Kitten~get off my chest. You're heavy." I hear Jeongguk whine.
I bite my bottom lip in attempt to NOT laugh and have my eyes heavily focused on the laptop screen.
"What? You literally weren't complaining a few seconds ago when I was laying on your chest."
He has a point.
"Yeah but that's when you actually a kitten."
I hear Taehyung scoff.
Oh boy.
"Oh really? So you don't see my kitten ears and tail right now? You literally call me kitten dongsaeng."
My eyes widen.
"What did you just say?"

I finally give my attention to them and see them glaring at each other.
Taehyung literally has his butt plopped on Jeongguk's chest while Jeongguk is wearing a glare on his face.
"I said. You literally call me kitten do-"
He's cut off by his own shriek and Jeongguk pinning him to the bed.
Not this again.
I roll my eyes and was about to stop them until I saw Jeongguk's fingers tickling Taehyung's sides and an eruption of giggles exploding from Taehyung's lips.

Jeongguk's Pov:

I can't help but to giggle myself when I see the wide smile on his face and the way he squirms beneath me as I punish him with tickles.
"This is what you get for calling me dongsaeng."
"Aahh!! Jeonggukie~" he whines and I laugh even more.
He kicks his feet in the air in attempt to get away but i'm quick to pin both his hands above his head and continue to attack him with tickles and a smirk.
"Say sorry Tae."

"Never-hahaha!! Okay okay Kookie~" he calls Jungkook's name to help him but Jungkook is too busy laughing himself.
"I'm sorry baby i'm gonna have to let this one happen."
As he says those words Taehyung's whines increase.
His blue eyes pool with tears from laughing so much and he literally tried to bonk my head with his.

"Let go let go let go!" He squeals and tries to run away from the tickles.
I shake my head.
"Not until you say sorry."
I continue to work my way up to the sides of his waist and he slithers beneath me almost getting out of my grasp.
His face twists in tiredness and I could tell by the doe look in his eyes that he's beginning to slip into littlespace.

"Goo goo~"
When I hear his little voice I simply trap him between my arms and flash a bunny smile, stopping my actions.
"Goo goo why chu tickle Taetae?"
I look at the way his ear twitches and feel his tail wrap around my waist.
I smile widely.
"Sorry kitten Ggukie was just punishing big Tae yeah?"
The pout is immediately replaced with a grin.

He looks over to Jungkook and gives him an innocent wave.
"Hi dada."
"Hi baby. You good?"
As they were talking and Taehyung became a giggling mess I begin to shower his face with kisses to indicate that I want his attention too.
"Pay.attention.to.me." I kiss his cheek with each pause in the sentence.

His attention is placed on me again but he whines.
"Ggukie m sowwy~ Taetae wubs chu otay?"
He cups my cheeks innocently as I blush.
I could feel Jungkook's smirk at the side of me but I don't care.
"Taetae loves me?" I question as if it's some foreign words that left his mouth.
He nods hastily.
"Ob course. I wub chu so so mush Goo Goo and Taetae wub dada too."
My heart melts and I hear Jungkook coo.

"I love you too baby. We love you too." He corrects.
My eyes widen.
This is the first time we're saying I love you to each other not so?
Taetae giggles but then his doe blue green eyes fall on me as if he's waiting for an answer.
"Don wuv Taetae Goo?"
I try to speak but it's not coming out.
I love you Taetae.
"Mhm." Instead of saying it out loud I nod and he squeals.

He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls Jungkook in too.
I close my eyes and hum in satisfaction also hugging Jungkook's side.

e stay like that for a moment until I pull away and so does Jungkook.
We look at each other then at the hybrid beneath us that has a blush dancing on his cheek.

"Could you explain to me why I have two sexy humans hovering over me and looking at me like they just won gold or something?"
The question causes us to laugh.
I begin to shower his face in kisses and so did Jungkook.
He would squirm in happiness and wrap his legs around both of us to pull us down then ask for more kiss.
I love our needy little kitten.

"One more kiss?" He asks with doe eyes when we stop.
"Of course baby."
"Of course kitten."
Once more we attack the hybrid's face with kisses kissing every where but his lips.
I can't wait to kiss those one day.


A/n- Hi babies 👋🏼

I know some of you saw that I updated a chapter called 'hehehe' yesterday and may have wondered why it wasn't loading? Well that's because I deleted it.

The chapter was basically me being drunk and also expressing how much I wuv my readers ☺💗 but it was embarrassing so I deleted it immediately.

This book is trending #7 in taegguk. Yesterday it was #3 or #4 I think but i'm grateful. Alot of people are reading this book and I really hope you are all enjoying so far.

We're getting closer and closer to Taegguk's kiss and Taehyung's heat.

Are you all enjoying the fluff? Let me know 💗

See ya babies 😘 hope you are all taking care of yourselves

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