┈━═☆ Chapter sixteen ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
❝My jealousy and His past❞
★彡 - 彡★


Jungkook's Pov:

I didn't like the way he teased me,
Made me jealous by constantly flirting with Jeongguk and my boss,
Acted like I was invisible and when he noticed me he would just smirk.

Now he's laying on me and i'm playing with his hair.
I'm soft for the darned hybrid.
He makes me soft for him and he knows it.
He knows the power he has over me and uses it to his advantage.

"You seem to be lost in deep thought Kookie. A penny for your thoughts?"
He looks up at me with those innocent blue green eyes and once more I get lost inside of them.
"What do you think i'm thinking about?"
I get annoyed.
Is he really going to act like he hasn't done anything?

"Is it me?" His lips pull into a smile.
The boxy smile that makes my heart melt.
"Why would I be thinking about you?"
I try to sound as if I don't care but my voice clearly shows that I do.
He sits up on top of my lap and quirks an eyebrow.

He places his hands on my chest and tilts his head innocently.
"You mean to tell me that what i've been doing hasn't been frustrating you?"
I could see a bit of disappointment in his eyes.
I internally smirk as an idea pops into my head.

Placing my hands on his waist I shake my head and his tail falls to the side.
"What if I told you that i'm interested in someone else?" I sit up so our bodies are pressed against one another and nose slightly brushing each other's.
Just for a good tease to the kitten in front of me.

I see him gulp and force a smile.
"Then I wouldn't care. Who you like is your choice but what if I told you that I like your brother?"
His lips pull into a smirk after seeing my face fall.
"What if I told you that i'm just using you, that I pretend you're the person I like and that's why i'm so fond of you?"

His face falls this time and a smirk forms on mine.
I pin him to the bed and hover above him.
He whimpers once but regains his confidence in a split second.
Then looking into my eyes he smiles. The smile is teasing and I just know he can see right through my lies.

"I'm not stupid Jungkook. Your eyes tell how you feel and you know how you felt about me flirting with your brother and Jimin? Jealous."
He's not wrong.
Sometimes I hate my jealousy.
How come he has this big of an effect on me?
"You're a brat you know that? I didn't get to punish you. I could do that now." I whisper.

He bites down on his bottom lip.
His fluffy tail wraps around my waist and he pulls me closer.
Our foreheads press together and my eyes dart down to his lips.
I know he's teasing me but boy does he look kissable right now.

"Don't you think I would like being punished Jungkook? I'm a brat. Brats want to get punished. It's all part of their fun."
I pause and look into his eyes;
Completely mesmerized.
"You want to get punished? That's why you did all this?"

He licks his lips almost touching mine.
Tilting his head to the side causing my eyes to flutter shut and await his lips but as he's about to lean closer he pulls away.
His tail is no longer wrapped around my waist and his arms no longer around my neck.

I frown and open my eyes.
I see his teary ones and he looks away.
Worry fills my mind.
Did I do something wrong?
"T-tae? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"No no it's fine it's just..."
A pause in his words and the tears run down his pretty cheeks.

"Take your time baby. I'm here to listen." I wipe his tears away and he smiles giving me a nod.
I stop hovering above him and sit with him on my lap rubbing soothing circles on his lower back.
"S-so Jimin told you about Yeosang right?"
I nod my head.

He takes a deep breath and wipes his own tears away.
"I-I know he told you the bad parts of the relationship but of course there were some good ones..."
I listen closely while maintaining eye contact.
I can see the pain in his eyes and it aches my heart.

"H-he wasn't always bad. He was good at first, everything you could find in a 'perfect boyfriend' u-until one time." He looks down and fiddles with his fingers as if trying to find the right words.
Then he looks at me again with a sad smile.
"Until I messed up."
I furrow an eyebrow. What is he trying to say?

"What did you do?"
My heart begins to race as I await his answer.
He looks away before he replies.
"I-I kissed another guy and I know you may hate me after this but I was drunk in the moment and." His voice cracks. "It has a strong effect on me."
My jaw almost drops.
I don't know how to feel about that.

Why would I scold him about his past?
He wouldn't do that right?
"But what does this have to do with us almost kissing?"
I'm eager to know, curious even.
He looks at me again and caresses one side of my cheek.
"I'm afraid t-that I make that mistake again. After that I never kissed a person beside him so see Kookie? I was in the wrong and I still hate myself for it up till this day. I-I just.."

His voice cracks again and I hold him close.
I stare at the floor not knowing how to take this information.
He sniffles and lays his head on my shoulder.
"What if I told you that i'm not over him? That my heart still belongs to him but i'm slowly letting go. Is that a bad thing?"

Although my heart pains for some reason I try to understand him.
He's never been this vulnerable with me in big space so I hold him close to let him know I won't judge him.
"Then that's fine Tae. Sometimes it happens but it's dangerous to go back. Do you plan on going back?"
Without hesitation he responds;
"Not at all but i'm learning to let go Kookie I promise. I just hope I don't make that mistake again when I find a new person."

I hum and press a kiss on his forehead.
Listening to him like this makes my heart hurt but knowing that i'm falling for him makes me feel afraid.
"You won't Tae. Learn to forgive yourself, learn to learn from your mistakes and let go okay? That's the past, now is the present and in the future will be better. Okay?"
"Otay." He slips into littlespace and I smile comtinuing to hold him on my lap.
I'm falling, I know, it's just a short period of time so tell me why I feel so much for him already? I just hope that he forgives himself.

"Wow." I see Jeongguk standing at the door and my eyes widen.
He sends me an evil smirk and winks then walks away.
What is my twin up to this time?


A/n- sorry for taking so long to update. I was thinking of what to write for this chapter 😂

Thank you for all the votes and for reading. Hope you are enjoying this book ❤

Hope it's making sense also 👀

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