┈━═☆ Chapter two ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

I type the work I was supposed to on my computer and occassionally glance at Jungkook and that little kitten.
I don't know what about that kitten but something about it seems...off.

"Hm?" He doesn't even spare a glance at me.
He's too busy petting the kitten on his lap.
"How did boss even allow you to bring that kitten inside of here? Pets aren't even allowed." I scoff and he finally looks up at me.

"That's because Namjoon hyung knows me personally and said he'll let it slide. Besides, i'll be taking this kitten home later." He bunny grins and my eyes widen.
"Jungkook you can't do that!"
"I can."
"You can't."
"I can. Watch me."
"Ugh you're such an a-"
"Jeongguk can you please stop making noise? I'm trying to concentrate." I click my tongue and glare at the kitten that peeps at me from behind Jungkook's desk.

I swear it's like it wants me to punish it.
I will.
"Stop glaring at the kitten Jeongguk."
Jungkook sighs and I roll my eyes.
"I'm not! It's glaring at me!" I argue but he groans and rubs his temples.
"Whatever. I need to go use the washroom so you watch the kitten for me." I scoff. As if I would.

Jungkook gets up and goes to the washroom after placing the kitten on my lap.
I glare at it and try not to growl but the kitten sticks out the tongue out at me.
Did he just-oh my gosh I swear to Jisoos.

"Meow!" He meows at me and I growl at him.
The kitten hisses and does that weird things that cat does.
I roll my eyes and try to go back to walk.
There is a peaceful silence in the office until I feel a heavy weight on my lap literally crushing me and arms around my neck.

I look down at my lap to try to see the kitten but it's not there.
Instead i'm met with the sight of what people call a hybrid.
"Oh my gosh a hybrid!" I almost yell but he whimpers in my arms while looking at me with his doe blue eyes.

"Y-you're sho mean mister. I just wan to be chu fwen."
I gulp as I look into his pretty blue eyes.
I could see that he's afraid of me so I stroke the side of his waist gently and he purrs closing his eyes.
That's kind of cute but why was he talking like that?
Oh my gosh i'm not hallucinating am I?

"F-feels good." He purrs more when I run my hands up and down his petite waist.
I observe his features as he continues to purr.
His hair is silver and fluffy, he has cute white kitten ears like he did as a kitten and a fluffy while tail that perks up in the ear when I scratch behind his ear.

Why am I suddenly so soft?
This is a complete stranger yet i'm not pushing him off.
What is wrong with me?
"You're so cute kitten." I blurt out unexpectedly.
A faint blush covers his cheeks and when he opens his eyes to look at me again I swear I get lost in them.
"T-thank shoo." My heart feels like it's gonna explode from all the cuteness.

Is this what Jungkook felt like this morning?
I cup his cheeks and squish it to see how he would react but he whimpers and leans into my touch.
Well damn.
I catch myself smiling then shake my head.

"W-wait. Hybrids really exist? I thought those only exist in fanfictions."
His ears perk up at my comment and he frowns.
"T-they don't anwy more mister. Taetae is the only one weft."
Why is he talking in third person?
So many thoughts run through my head but when I hear him sniffling I panick.

"S-shit. Don't cry. I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" I try to calm him down by rubbing his fluffy hair and he does but he continues to sniffle.
"C-chu hate Taetae?"
I shake my head.
"I-I don't. I just.."
He frowns and slaps my hand away gently like a kitten would then tries to climb off of my lap but ends up on top of the table instead.

My eyes widen at what he's wearing;
A large baby blue sweater that had 'babyboy' written on it and blue and white striped stockings.
He was kind of short so his legs definitely didn't touch the ground.
His legs were thick and that had me shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

"Oh my gosh is that a-a hybrid?" Jeongguk's voice causes me to jump.
I look at Taetae to see his reaction.
He smiles widely and runs to Jungkook jumping on him and wrapping his legs around his waist.
Jungkook catches him skilfully but his face is in shock at the next thing the boy says.

My eyes widen at the name.
What the hell?
Jungkook has a son?
There are so many questions going through my mind right now and i'm about to find out.


A/n-I have no idea if anyone is gonna read this book but oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️

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