┈━═☆ Chapter thirteen ☆═━┈

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★彡 - 彡★
★彡 - 彡★


Jeongguk's Pov:

"Be safe Kook." I give him a side hug then look at Taehyung when Jungkook leaves.
He flashes his boxy smile at me.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours right now?"
He gives me an innocent look and that means he's up to no good.

"You didn't mind me flirting with you all morning?"
Of course I didn't but...
"I did. Jungkook looked like he was about to kill me." I sit on the bed and he casually climbs on to my lap.
I've gotten used to it so I just let him be and lay while propping my head upon my folded arms under my head.

"I'm sure he won't actually do that."
"You've never witness Jungkook being truly angry then."
He looks into my eyes with those deep blueish greenish ones.
Weird because i've never seen a korean have those colour eyes.

"I did witness it. Wasn't he angry last night?" He tilts his head and I see his ear twitch.
I notice the way his tail casually rest on his thigh from the back to front.
"He was but that's not the angriest he can get. That's the lowest level of angry." I shrug then his eyes widen.

"H-he can get angrier than that?"
I hum.
"He can."
He falls silent and leans closer to me and I panick for a second then I don't.
"Why are you angry all the time though? You seem to be angry and aggravated most of the time."
"Because I am." I close my eyes not wanting to look into his.

That must've been a wrong move because then he begins to whine.
I groan in frustration.
"Taehyung shut up. Let me rest my eyes for a sec." He whines again and I almost push him off of my lap but I control myself.

I open my eyes and glare at him.
He immediately stops whining and instead he grins.
"You just wanted attention." I grumble.
He nods.
"Pretty much. I know how to get your attention though Ggukie." He winks and his lips pull to the side to form a smirk.

I quirk an eyebrow.
"And what may that be Taehyung?"
He leans close to my ear.
Oh god. Not good. Definitely not good.
I'm not gay pfft-okay I am.
"I can give Ggukie a little strip tease." My eyes almost pop out of it's sockets.

"Say what now?!"
He pulls away and gets off of my lap.
Standing right in front of me with nothing but my overlarge white t-shirt and thigh highs.
Why would Jungkook buy thigh highs for him??

Luckily he wore boxers...he just had to wear it a little under his tail which wasn't much of a problem since his tail wasn't that close to his butt.
He drags his finger from his thigh to the hem of the shirt and bites his bottom lip.
I would laugh if it was anyone else but seeing him do it is somehow different.

"Okay that's enough." I cover my eyes, my face red when he lifts the shirt a little to reveal a little more of his thighs.
I could just feel the smirk of victory on his face.
He's been teasing me all morning and what did I do? I let him.
Because i'm a 'good boy'...

Actually, it's because i'm afraid of Jungkook kicking my ass for his little kitten but other than that I would've railed him completely already.
"Oops. I guess Ggukie has a little problem to deal with down there."
I know he's pointing to my crotch so I don't stop hiding my face.
"Oh well." He sighs dramatically.
"I would've helped him but you know...I like Jungkook more."

I immediately remove my hands from my face and glare at him.
"I could care less about who you like. Get out." My voice is stern and even though I can clearly see the smile on his face it drops at the tone.
"Get out Taehyung. Go play or some shit." I spit harshly before burying my face in a pillow.

I hear the crack of his voice then his footsteps but I close my eyes feeling angry over such a small thing.
Why did that hurt?
Was it because I was insecure and hate being compared to Jungkook?
I close my eyes and ignore the world letting myself sink into the pillow in guilt for shouting at kitten.

Author's Pov:

After Jeongguk shouted at Taehyung the poor boy didn't come back to the room.
He understood that he may have touched a soft spot for the other but he hated getting shouted at.
It made him feel like he was a bad boy and he wasn't. He's a good boy.

Jeongguk on the other hand allowed himself to drift into dreamland after a while of contemplating on whether or not he should follow Taehyung or just apologize later.
He chose the second option not knowing what he would be faced with once he woke up.

With a yawn and the cracking of his back he let out a moan of satisfaction.
He stretched from side to side then cracked his neck from side to side and slowly opened his eyes.
Once his eyes adjusted to his surroundings he yawned one more time and got off of the bed.
Thankfully there was a carpet below him so he wouldn't have stepped on cold floor or something.

Then he stood up and cracked his back one last time.
You could tell that his sleep was legit from the lines on his skin.(a/n ifykyk)
He began to walk to the bathroom to pee but when he heard a loud crash come from the kitchen he literally flew to it.

If he wasn't awake before now he was.
He was met with the sight of cookies scattered on the floor and taking munching on one but frozen in place.
"What.the.fuck." is all the younger boy could mutter as he looked at the mess on the ground.
"Washn't me G-ggukie." Taehyung hid the cookie jar behind his back but the crumbs on his face was evident.
The boy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Of course it wasn't." He grumbled and grabbed the respective cleaning utensils to clean the floor as Taehyung just stood on the counter swinging his legs back and forth and humming the dora theme song.
After Jeongguk was done cleaning he snatched the cookie jar out of the little's hand causing him to squeak and hiccup in surprise.

"Now now Taehyung. You're such mischief are you? So mischievous when nobody's looking but don't worry. Ggukie is gonna teach you a lesson." He husked and the hairs of the kitten hybrid stood up.
"Punishies?" The little gulped and Jeongguk smirked.
"Yes kitten. Punishies." Then he lifted the little that was scared for his life.

He didn't know what type of 'punishies' Jeongguk gave and that was the scary part about it.
Although he was in littlespace he wondered if Jeongguk's type of punishments were the same as Jungkook's and fortunately...it is.


A/n- Don't worry it won't be anything sexual.

It is gonna be a punishment yes but not the extreme type.

Hint hint: common punishment for littles 😋💗☁️

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