An Announcement

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Hey everyone! I do have a quick announcement about this story!

After about 4 years since the final chapter was published, New Views will be getting a sequel! I originally was very hesitant if I wanted to continue Jason's story. But due to the sudden interest in the story this past year, I feel that it's appropriate. Also I do realize I left alot of unanswered questions as well, and I owe it to you, the readers, to answer them in one way shape or form. Plan on having the first chapters published early summer!

And to make the wait a bit more tolerable, check out my short story collection! There are a few stories based on Jason, Sarah, and the Pokèdex Holders! More of their stories will be published to hype up the sequel!

If yall have any questions about the story or characters, feel free to ask! It can be anything from what's Jason's favorite food to something a bit more thought provoking! If I feel like it isn't a spoiler, I will definitely answer it!

And if you enjoy my writing, I recommend reading my other story, Happily Ever After! It's a bit different from New Views, but it still contains the Pokèdex Holders, just potraited in a different way.

Stay safe y'all, and happy New Year!

And as always,
Happy Reading :)

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