Chapter 17

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***Serena's POV

"Thanks for everything Misty! Please, if you need anything, let me know!" I say, hugging her.

We're standing outside of the hopistal. Sarah told us she'll take us to Jason, while Misty travels to Pewter City.

"I will. And any new information I get I will send right to you."

May already has her Pidgeot ready to go. Sarah is standing with her arms crossed next to her.

"Be safe, ok?" I ask.

Misty nods.

"You too. May, take care!"

May smiles and waves back at Misty.

"Sarah, behave, will you?" Misty smirks.

"No promises," Sarah says, as she pulls out a Pokeball and releases a Dragonaire. The blue dragon looks so elegant in the sunlight it reflects off her silky coat. Sarah hops on Dragonair and takes off into the sky.

"You better catch up before they leave you," Misty says with a grin.

I turn and run towards May. I quickly hop on and we're off in the sky once again.

"Sarah, where are we going?" May yells as the wind blows into our faces.

"Neon City."

(Author's Note: I don't know if many of you guys remember, but Neon City is the city in the orginal anime that people didn't sleep and were all grumpy, until Jiggypuff came and sang and knocked everyone out)


Bright, blinding lights all over the city. Everywhere I turn there's a different colored sign that's advertising a club, restaurant, and or product. I furrow my eyebrows.

I don't like this place one bit.

People are bumping into each other, inhibiting fights all over the city. Officer Jenny is constantly moving, trying to her best to control the city.

City? More like a madhouse.

It's supposed to be dark out, but with all the extra lightning, it's as if the sun never set.

We landed right near the outskirts of the city, and we're trying to navigate through the city, with Sarah leading.

"Stay close!"

We hold hands as we snake our way towards the center of the city.

"What are we looking for?" May screams.

"Look for a sign that says 'Swinging Charlie'!" Sarah answers.

I search, but I'm barraged by the dozens of signs and music being poured out of each different building.

"There it is!"

In blue lighting, 'Swinging Charlie' is dominately displayed under a black door.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"Jason's going to be here," Sarah says, as she walks towards the door.

"Wait up!" May yells as she follows Sarah.

I don't move.

"Serena? You ok?" Sarah asks, waiting for me to walk in the building.

"I'm fine," I say as I walk in, ignoring the pit in my stomach.


There's round black tables everywhere. There's a space clear in the middle of the room, where people are dancing in. All the way in the back of the room there's a stage, where a variety of instruments are placed. A microphone is placed in the middle of the stage.

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