Chapter 46

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*** Two Days Later***
***Serena's POV

"Who are you?" Blue ask, sitting in a wooden chair. Across the table is Bryon wearing a black and white prison suit.

I'm sitting in another room, watching through the glass. Crystal sits next to me.

"His face is nothing like I imagined it. He's really, pretty," Crystal says, sightly blushing.

I laugh.

She is right though. He does look like a movie star with his perfect jaw, and we'll combed grey hair. But he does have some small bruises on his face from Sarah's assault.

"I'm Bryon. One who believes the system is corrupt and needs to be replaced." Byron answers with such ease.

"Is that why you wanted to start a war against all the regions at once? Because of the system? What exactly did you plan on doing?" Blue asks again.

"Exactly. With the Pengen, I could've easily destroyed all my enemies."

"What would you have done afterwards? How did you gather so many members?"

"Easy. Many agreed with me. Many volunteered, gave money, weapons, and Pokemon. I can't say it was difficult. And would leave the world as it should be: without order."


"How did you and Drew meet?"

"Oh Drew. I found him wandering around the Hoenn region. We exchanged stories, and we both decided to help each other. He was never really for the cause though, he just wanted to kill Jason. I can't say I blame him, but at least he got what he ultimately wanted."

Blue stares at him.

"Have fun in prison," Blue says, as he gets up and pushes in his chair.

"Oh I will. Just wait for part two!" Bryon yells excitedly, as the officers come take him away.

"Hey ladies, why don't you guys head outside? I think Gold and Ash are here to pick you two up. I'll meet you guys in a bit," Blue says, headed toward an office.

"Ok, let's go," Crystal says, as I follow her out of the police station. We look around, but Ash and Gold are no where to be seen.

"I wonder where-"


Ash's Pikachu, accompanied by Gold's Pichu run up to us.

"Hey guys! Where are Gold and Ash?" Crystal asks. Pikachu gestures towards town, and starts running down the road.

"Hurry, let's follow them!" I yell as we both follow Pikachu and Pichu.


We're brought to a small little restaurant. We walk inside, and it's overflowing with people. But in the middle of the room, there's an empty table where both Pikachu and Pichu are sitting at.

"Uh, does that mean we sit there?" Crystal asks.


Pikachu yells, hopping on the table for us.

"I guess so. Let's go!"

We walk our way to the table, and sit down. The Pokemon hop off the the table, as a waitress makes their way over to us.

"What can I get to drink for you ladies?"

"I'll take some water," I say.

"I'll take some water as well," Crystal adds. The waitress stares at her.

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