Chapter 24

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***May's POV

I groan, as I open my eyes. I feel the soft grass in between my fingers, as I slowly raise myself up.

Pidgeot is on the ground a few feet away, his body tattered and his eyes shut.

"Oh Pidgeot, I'm sorry," I whisper, as I go up to him and stroke his feathers. He whimpers as I touch him. I return him to his Pokeball, and I look around.

I'm laying in the middle of a dirt road. Roars and explosions fill the air, followed by flashing lights in the sky.


He must be battling the Pokemon that attacked us.

I stare at the dirt road again.

Well, flying isn't an option, o I gather my things and follow the road.


I walk near the outskirts of the city. The ground begins to rumble, and a building collapse in the distance.

Looks like there's more fighting in the city.

I come to a river, and across from it, there's a building that says "Viridian City's Gym".

"There it is!" I squeal, as I unleash Warturtle to help me across the river. After we cross, I run over to the doors, and push the doors open. Inside, is a warzone.

Pokemon are fighting. Special Attacks flying everywhere and some getting physical, biting, clawing, and slamming into each other.

In the middle of the fighting, I see a black hair boy. A Pikachu is sitting on his shoulder, ready to jump in when needed.

I can't believe it.

It's him.



***Jason's POV

"Charizard, Flamethrower!"

Charizard gives off a small orange glow, then unleashes a powerful Flamethrower, hitting Aerodactyl right in the chest. He shrieks, as he begins to fall straight towards the ground, spiraling out of control.


I look around, waiting the Salamance to attack, but he is no where in sight.

"Do you know where he went Charizard?"

Charizard grunts and shakes his head.

Then we're suddenly tackled, being forced towards the ground. I peak over Charizard and see the Salamance, using Takedown.

"Charizard, Metal Claw!"

Charizard's right hand glows a White color, and hits Salamance, forcing him away from us, allowing for Charizard to regain his strength and to fly straight up.

Salamance roars, and unleash a Dragon's Breath at us.

"Dodge it and use Flamethrower!"

Charizard swiftly dodges it and flies towards Salamance, unleash a fiery attack, hitting him on his side.

Salamance roars in pain, and lunges towards us, teeth ready to pierce through skin.

"Metal Claw!"

Charizard's claw hits Salamance in the mouth, causing him to fly back and start falling down. Blood is spilling from his mouth.

"Finish him off with Seismic Toss!"

Charizard quickly catches up to Salamance, wraps his arms around him, and tosses him straight down into a forest. Trees fall, and wood, dirt, and leaves fly everywhere.

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