Chapter 9

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***Serena's POV

I step out the door and look off into the distance.

The sun is barely rising over the horizon.

I return Charmander into his Pokeball, and I walk over to where Jason and May are standing.

"Are we ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah, just give me a second," Jason says, taking off his jacket. I see his arms press tightly against the black fabric of his t-shirt.


I turn to see May, who's just as suprised.

"What's wrong?" Jason asks, tossing his jacket in his bag.

"Uh, nothing!" May and I both say in unison, our faces flushing red.

"For two people who like each other, you both really try to hate each other," He says, tossing a Pokeball out. The flashing light forms into Charizard.

"What! I don't like her!" May yells, pulling out her own Pokeball. She unleashs a large bird Pokemon.


"I didn't know you had a Pidgeot," Jason comments, climbing on to Charizard's back.

"What did you think I was doing last night?" She grins, getting on Pidgeot.

"Serena, who are you riding with?" Jason asks.

I take a quick look at May, and she responses by giving me a dirty look. I walk towards Jason and his Charizard.

"Oh, before I forget, here," Jason says, as he hands me a Pokeball.

"Who is this?"


"Why? She's your pokemon!"

"Yea, but after hours trying to understand what she was saying, she wants to be with you. She likes you a lot, so why not? Besides, we'll be traveling together, so I'll still get to see her, and I know you'll take good care of her."

I stare down at Minun's Pokeball.

Why are people keep giving me Pokemon? Do they think I can't catch any on my own?

And why does he think that? It's not like I lost my best friend or anything.

Before I can even response, Jason grabs my chin and lifts it up so we're making eye contact.

"Now, before you can say anything about your starter, just know that you told me to go back, and I didn't listen. It's not your fault. It's mine. I put you in that situation in the first place. Just believe in yourself, and focus on the task at hand," he says, as he turns around.

"Alright May, follow me! We're off to Pewter City!"

I hold Minun's Pokeball to my chest. I open my mouth to say something, but the words don't come out. Next thing I know, we're up in the sky, on our way to find out what is going on.


After about an hour or two of flying in awkward silence, we land on the outskirts of the city.

"Thanks Charizard," Jason says as he recalls his Pokemon. May does the same.

"What now?" May asks.

"We go to the gym," Jason says, as he leads us down a road leading into the city.

Pewter City is a small city. It all seems very plain to me. Alot of the buildings are worn down, and need a new coat of paint. Dirt roads make up all the street.

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