Chapter 13

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***Serena's POV

"What?" May and I yell in unison, crowding over Misty.

Misty makes a face.

"Why are you guys so concerned with Ash?"

"Because..." I say, trying to find a good way to word this.

"He disappeared, and he's-" May begins to explain, but she's interrupted by Jason.

"Girls, I know you want to know what happened, but let Misty get up and get a towel. She's soaked.

"I would really appreciate it," Misty says, as Jason pushes us away and helps her up.


Misty leads us to a back room, where it's designed like a powder room where movie stars do their makeup and prep themselves for a show.

"My sisters are performers that use water pokemon. They're currently on world tour," Misty explains, noticing our curiosity.

Misty grabs a towel, wraps it around herself and sits on a chair. Jason catches himself from flopping on the floor. His red stain is very noticeable.

"Jason, let me fix you up again," I sigh, walking over to him.

Jason nods weakly, forcing himself into a chair, and taking off his shirt.

"Whoa, what happened?" Misty gasps, eyeing the bloody bandages on his shoulder. I see her eyes quickly move along his entire torso.

"May, can you explain everything to her?" Jason asks, watching as I get the supplies out.

And May tells her everything. How Jason appeared in front of her, explained how Ash disappeared, and May joined to find him. She explained how Jason brought me, even though she doesn't exactly what happened. She told her about Pengen, about the masked man, but didn't tell her about Brock.

Misty brings her hand to her chin.

"Well, I didn't see the masked man that you talked about. But I did see Ash, like I said before."

"Really? What happened?" I ask, getting closer to Misty, leaving Jason's wound half covered.

"Uh, could you stop being nosy and finish what you started?"

"Nope," I say with a smile as I stand.

Who does he think he is, bossing me around?

"I, uh," Jason mumbles, at loss of words.

"Besides, what you really need is a trip to the hospital. That freaking hole isn't gonna heal unless you get stitches."

Jason starts at me blankly, then shakes his head.

"I don't know what you want me to do then, because we're just going to keep wasting bandages at this rate," I turn and walk away.

Jason sighs.

I hear Jason groan as he gets up. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit guilty.

"I'll be back," he says, as he walks out of the room, closing the door.

"Whoa." Misty comments.

"Whoa indeed," I say sitting next to May. She gives me a supportive smile.

"I've never seen Jason like that before," Misty says.

"You know Jason?" May asks.

"Yeah. I saw him challenge this gym years ago. He was really something. We never saw anything close to Jason's skill until Ash came around," Misty explains. She then snorts.

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