Chapter 45

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***Jason's POV

"Jason! No!" Serena screams, as I feel the sword deep inside me.

I look up, gasping for air and I see Drew paralyzed in shock.

Now's my chance.

I slowly stand up, and I pull the blade out of my body. Blood oozes out of the puncture.

"How? You should be dead!" Drew exclaims, as he tries to escape, but I don't let go of my grip on his hand.

"Don't worry, I will be. But I'm taking you with me."

I twist his wrist, forcing the blade out of his hand. I take it in my own bloody hands. I grab Drew by the shoulder and drive the sword into Drew's chest. Drew gasps, as the blade pierces through his body. I slowly walk forward, bringing us closer to the edge.

"Jason, no!" Serena yells, as she attempts to catch up with me, but Ash jumps into action and wraps her in a hug, not letting her go anywhere.

Bryon tries to stop me with Drapion, but Mega Lucario jumps into action, while Sarah tackles Bryon down.

Mega Garchomp is busy with my Charizard, who is overcomed with anger and just goes ballistic, launching attack after attack.

Drew, shaking, reaches at his belt and pulls out and unleashed the rest of his Pokemon. Before they can react, Crystal unleashes the rest of mine. They automatically clash into each other, an all out war is unleash.

"How? Where did you get the strength to do this? How did she get your Pokemon?" Drew asks shakily, as we are only a few feet away from the cliff.

"Crystal grabbed my pokemon while everyone was busy watching Bryon lose to Sarah and Ash." I say, as I give one final effort to lift Drew above the cliff, his feet over the edge.

"And this? This isn't strength. It's numbness. I realized that I have felt much more pain than this. That was the day you killed my mother, my oldest, closest friends, and that also happened to be the night my heart was broken." I say, as I let go of Drew, and watch as he falls until he disappears into the mist.

I slowly turn around, and see everyone looking over at me.

"Thank you," I say with a smile, as I finally give in to my torn body, and fall over the cliff.

***Serena's POV

I can't believe it.

"Jason!" I yell, as I start sobbing into Ash's chest. Ash holds me tight, and I look up at him, and I see tears coming off his face.

"He did that for us Serena. We owe it to him."

We do, no doubt about it.

I take a look at the Pokemon. Both Drew's and Jason's Pokemon stopped fighting, and look at each other in disbelief. Mega Garchomp turns back to Garchomp, being that his bond with his trainer is now broken. Forever.

"What the hell."

We both turn and see Silver sitting up, a dazed look on his face.

"I wake up to see that happen? I can't handle it. First Gold, now Jason," Silver says, shaking his head.

Crystal stands slowly makes her way to Sarah, who pinned Byron to the ground, and his unleashing her anger on him, punching him over and over again.

"Sarah, stop it, please. Lucario, help me pull her off," Crystal asks, as Mega Lucario turns back to Lucario and pulls her off of Bryon.

"Ahhh! Leave me alone!" Sarah yells, as Lucario lifts her in the air, her arms and legs frailing everywhere. Then she stops, and starts sobbing in Lucario's arms.

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