Chapter 23

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***Sarah's POV

"Dragonaire, are you ok?"

I slowly get off of her, as she groans in pain. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I'm forced down.

I look around.

We're in the middle of a street in Viridian City. Buildings are surrounding us, and there's no one in sight.

The blue light is surrounding me once again.

"There's Sarah Iren, strong, yet graceful pokemon trainer."

I look up, and I see a man wearing a green mask. He has an Alakazam waiting with him, his spoons up and his eyes glowing.

"Who are you?" I ask, struggling to break free from Alakazam's grip.

"Neutron, another of the masked people," he answers, bowing.

"Now, time for the show to begin. Alakazam, use Confusion to show her that you do not get involved with our affairs," Neutron orders, as my limbs are pushed against my side. I feel a force compressing my body closer and closer together.

"Dragonaire, use Dragon Breath!" I yell. Dragonaire tries to response, but she can't break from Alakazam's grip either.

What do I do?

I try wiggling my fingers, and I feel a round, smooth item. I quickly pull it into my hand, and press the center button. A flash of bring white light appears, and in front of us appears Espeon.

"Espeon, Psybeam now!"


She releases a bright purple colored beam from the jewel in her forehead, hitting Alakazam in the chest. This dazes him for a second, allowing for us to get up.

"Espeon, Quick Attack! Dragonaire, use Wrap now!"

My Pokemon lung at my attackers. Alakazam reacts by producing a transparent screen to block Espeon's Quick Attack, but Dragonaire sneaks over on the side and wraps around Alakazam with her long nimble body.

Alakazam grunts as he tries to break free, waiting orders from his trainer.

Neutron simply chuckles.

"I was waiting for this moment," he says, as he pulls out a bottle with a purple liquid.


Oh crap.

"Espeon! Dragonair! Come back now!" I yell.

Dragonaire let's go of Alakazam and rushes over. Alakazam lays weakly on the floor.

Neutron walks over to him, and empties the bottle into an injection.

"What are you doing?" I yell angrily.

Neutron turns over to me.

"Giving my pokemon unlimited power," he says, as he stabs Alakazam with the injection, letting the Pengen loose in his blood.

Alakazam shrieks in pain. He continues for like a minute, when it suddenly stops, and he lays motionless on the ground. Then he floats himself up, and his body begins to violently shake. He grows twice his size. The spoons in his hands become shards of metal, and his fingernails become long claws. He now has long overbearing teeth; horns have sprouted out his back. I stare at his red, bloodshot eyes, looking angrily at me.

"Alakazam. Kill them."

Alakazam takes off, headed straight for us like a lightning bolt.

"Espeon, Protect!"

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