Chapter 26

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***May's POV

I watch as Ash's Charizard hits a Venemoth with a Flamethrower.

Charizard then flies in the air, dodging a Psybeam from an Alakazam.

The ground begins to rumble.

An Inferape comes from the ground underneath Alakazam, and delivers a Mach Punch in his face. Alakazam yells in pain as he's thrown in the air then hits the ground.

A Starmie shoots a Hydro Pump at Inferape. Grenninja pops out in front of Inferape and blocks the Hydro Pump using Cut.

I'm standing by the entrance, taking in all that's going on. They're fighting on a worn out battlefield, with cracks and black marks all over.

Ash is standing on one side, while Misty, and three other people are on the other. They're worn out and hurt.

"Ash!" I call out again, but he ignores me.

Misty hears me and looks over.

"May! Get out of here!"

Grenninja launched Water Shurinken straight at Misty and her companions.

A Magmar jumps in, and takes a hit for them, fainting.

"Magmar!" A older man yells, falling to a knee.

"Blaine! Are you ok?" Misty asks, trying to help him up, but he can't.

"Looks like the battle is coming to an end," Blaine says, smiling weakly at Misty.

"Do you guys surrender?" Ash asks, his pokemon standing in front of him.

"Never!" A woman with Misty yells, as she reaches for a Pokeball.

"Pikachu, now!"

Pikachu jumps foward and launches a Thunderbolt.

The woman's screams fill the air as she's shocked, then falls on the ground, not moving.

"Sabrina, no!" Misty yells.

"This is your last chance. Surrender or you'll end up like her," Ash says. He stares straight at them, ignoring me.

So it is true. He's the one doing all of this.

"Ash! Stop!"

I run over and stand between them.

"Ash! Why are you doing this? This isn't like you at all!"

Ash stares at the ground, not saying anything.

"Answer me Ash! Don't you see all the pain you're causing? You killed so many people! You're killing me slowly Ash, and you don't even realize it!"

Tears fall slowly down my face. My heart feels heavy and I have a lump in my throat.

Ash looks up and stares into my eyes.
Sadness fills them, with dark bags under his eyes.

"I don't want to do this. But if I don't, many more people are gonna die. People that mean a lot to me, like my mom, Professor Oak, Serena, and you."

He did this for us?

For me?

"I told Brock what was at stake. I couldn't bring myself to do it, but he understood the conditions I was in. He knew things would be worse if I didn't do it, so he became my enemy in order to help me. Once I realized what I did, I felt pieces inside me break. I tried to see the bad in everyone, so I can somehow justify my actions. But once I came to Misty, I couldn't do it. That's why I left you there, in hopes that someone would come help you. So please, don't force my hand. Just surrender, so all this can stop. Please."

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