Chapter 32

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***Serena's POV

"Bryon had just arrived, and unleashed his Drapion. We managed to escape, but Ash got hit by a Posion Sting attack. I told him to go straight to the infirmary and find some medication as soon as we arrived, but no, he decided to go ruin dinner instead," Jason explains, biting into a bread roll.

I sit on the side of Ash's bed, gently stroking his hair.

"Gotcha. Did you see anyone at all about the Pengen, Pokemon infected, or amount of soldiers he has?" Crystal asks. She's sitting in a chair near Ash's bed.

"I didn't see soldiers, but I saw large amounts of Pengen. I couldn't tell how many or which Pokemon they had, but there were lots of Pokeballs forsure," Jason answers.

"That's not good at all," Crystal says, holding her chin.

"Where's Sarah?" Jason asks.

"She'll be coming up in a bit, she wanted to check up on her Pokemon first," Crystal says.

"I'll leave you guys be then, I'm gonna go check up on Dawn," Crystal says, patting Jason's shoulder and smiling at me. She closes the door behind him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring him back in one piece," Jason says.

"It's ok. I'm just glad we're finally together again," I say, holding Ash's hand.

I can't help but chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

I shake my head.

"It's funny, because not too long ago, I did the same thing when you were the one in the bed," I say.

Jason stays silent, and watches me hold Ash's hand.

"Do you remember how you couldn't remember what happened the night where I was really hurt and you nursed me back to health." Jason says.

Oh that's right.

"Yeah. Are you finally going to tell me?" I ask.

He nods.

"Yeah, see, um, well," Jason stumbles.

"Jason. Just tell me," I say with a weak smile.

I'm nervous. What did I do that has him on edge?

"It's nothing. It's just that I guess you were feeling lonely, or you felt bad for me because you basically cuddled with me after you healed me. And you thought that I was asleep and you kissed my cheek," Jason says, looking at the ground.


Well, crap.

Why did I do that?

"I'm sorry Jason, but I still can't remember," I say.

I see Jason's face fall a bit.

"It's ok. At least you're finally reunited with him," Jason says summonly.

"Right. Thanks to you," I say, smiling at me. My smile fades a bit, as I see saddness fill his eyes.

"What's wrong Jason?"

Jason opens his mouth, but before anything can come out, Sarah walks in.

She smiles and runs up to Jason and hugs him. Jason slowly hugs her back.

"I'm glad you're ok," she says, letting go.

"I'm glad you're ok! You look a thousand times better," Jason says, spinning her around.

Sarah giggles.

What is going on?

"Yeah, well I'm sure you would've ended up just like me. I had to go up against an Alakazam!"

Jason shudders.

"Heh. I know how much you hate Physic types," Sarah says, holding his hands.

"Hate is such a strong word," Jason says, squeezing her hands.

I swear, these two are the most confusing people I've met.

"Sarah, can we go talk in private?" Jason asks.

Sarah shows a puzzled face.

"Uh, sure," Sarah says, as they both head out the door.

As they do, I can't help but get a pinching feeling in my chest.

***Sarah's POV

"So what's up?" I ask, looking at Jason.

His outfit is dirty, and his face is covered in dirt and grime.

"Well, you won't believe what I found out," Jason says, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, I'm sure whatever it is, it can wait. Let's get you cleaned up!" I say, pulling his arm.

Something is bugging him that's making him play nice. Maybe I can distract him look enough to be nice just a little longer.

"No. Sarah, this can't wait," he says, pulling his arm back.

I frown.

"Fine, then just tell me. And stop acting too! I don't know why I always fall for it, but I know when you're nice, it's because something bad is gonna come out of your mouth," I say, crossing my arms on my chest. I watch as Jason's eyes trail down where my arms are.

"Hey! My eyes are up here!"

Jason blushes.

"I'm serious Jason, you can stop pretending to like me. It's not nice to play with someone's emotions," I say, as I feel a pit in my stomach.

"I'm sorry," Jason says, looking at the ground. He then looks into my eyes.

"Have you talked to Drew lately?"


I haven't seen him since the accident.

"No, I haven't. Look, if you're going to rant about the accident again, I already-"


I jump back. My heart is beating faster.

Why is he so tense?

"I'm sorry for yelling, and for being 'nice' but please, listen to me," he says.

"After the pokedex holders took you guys out, I took over Ash's battle with Maximum," I say.

"Did you beat him? Because I really don't like that guy at all," I say.

Jason answers by starting at me with his sad eyes.

"I took his mask off. Sarah, Maximum is Drew."


He can't be serious.

"Haha, that's funny! Seriously, you should consider acting!" I say, patting his shoulder. He continues looking straight at me.

"He's helping Bryon because he wants to kill me and my Pokemon," he says.

I feel a big lump in my throat, and my hands begin to shake.

"No. That can't be! He's probably off on an island, studying, or playing with Pokemon, but not helping Bryon! No! It can't be true!" I yell.

My vision starts to get blurry.

Jason walks up to me, and he hugs me. I quickly embrace him and hug him tight, my tears falling on his shirt.

"No. Our Drew? A monster? No." I say, as my sobs overtake my words.

"Wasn't always a monster. I made him into one. But don't worry Sarah, I will get him back," Jason says, as he kisses my forehead as he comforts me sobbing my eyes out, knowing that our best friend is now a wanted criminal out to get us.

Author's Note:
Wow. Time flies doesn't it? Chapter 32. We're closing in towards the end guys, whether we like it or not. Anyways, please vote and comment! Thanks to those who have! Any questions about the story feel free to ask & I'll get back to you as soon as I can :)
& as always, Happy Reading :)

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