Chapter 39

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***Serena's POV

We're sitting in the dining room once again, as everyone waits for dinner to be served. All the seats are filled, besides Jason's.

Blue sits at the head of the table, with Ash sitting on the opposite end. I hold Ash's hand under the table. He gently squeezes, and I squeeze back.

"Has anyone seen Jason?" Sarah asks.

"He's in his room," Yellow says, as she sighs sadly.

"Why? What's wrong?" Sarah asks. She looks over to me. Her grey eyes stab at me like daggers.

"They got attacked by Maximum. Oh, pardon me, I mean by your friend Drew." Blue says, his voice monotone.

"What? Drew is Maximum? Oh, I oughta-"
Gold is interupted as Crystal pulls him down and puts her hand on his mouth.

A ringer goes off.

"Looks like the food is ready, so I'm just gonna go get it," Dia says as he quickly scurries away.

Sarah's face goes pale.

"Not only that, he killed the Nurse Joy there, along with Jason's Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and their Nidoran. There's nothing left of the Pokemon Center," Blue continues, casually laying back on the chair.

"Not Mama Joy," Sarah whimpers.

Everyone start mumbling and whispering among themselves.

Sarah tries to get up, but Sapphire pulls her back into her seat.

"He's in his room for a reason. Give him some space," she says. Sarah moves Sapphire's hand out of the way.

"I can't. Jason is the type of person to blame himself for everything, and I don't want him to do anything stupid," she says, as she walks towards the door.

Yellow is about to chase after her, but Blue shook his head.

Dia then comes in with a cart full of food.

"If she wants to miss dinner, let her. I know I'm not," Blue says as he walks towards the food cart. Everyone follows. I sigh, as Ash and I hold hands, following the crowd.

***Sarah's POV

Oh Jason. I can only imagine how he feels right now.

I run up a set of stairs, then take a left. I go down the hallway, then Jason's room comes up on my right.

I knock on the door.

There's no response.

"Jason, it's me Sarah."

I wait a minute, then I try to open the door.

It's locked.

"Jason please, open the door. You shouldn't be alone. Let me help you."

There's shuffling, then I hear the door unlock.

"Do you need anything, because I can-"

I'm cut off as his lips make contact with mine. My eyes close as I kiss him back. We pull away for second.

"I need you."

I look at him. His face shows no expression, and his bad shoulder has dried up blood. His eyes are full of saddness, along with lust.

I push him into his room, and I walk in, locking the door behind me.

***Serena's POV

I continue to push my peas around my plate.

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