Chapter 27

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***May's POV

"No!" I scream, as Pikachu jumps into the air, sparks flying from his cheeks.

The attacks goes in the air and heads straight for Maximum and the masked man.

Maximum quickly unleashes Swampert who uses Mud Shot to block the attack.

"You fool! What are you doing?" Maximum yells.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it." Ash says, as Pikachu lands on his shoulder.

He looks over at me, and smiles.

"You know what that means then, don't you? Dawn will die because of you, and everyone will soon follow!" Maximum yells, unleashing Aggron and Flygon.

So they're the ones who have Dawn.

"That's why I have to take you guys down now!" Ash yells, as his Pokemon rush to his side.

"I would rethink your choices young man," the big masked man says, snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, two holes are created in the walls, and dozens of people with masks come rushing in.

Blaziken brings me in closer to him as we get surrounded.

"What can I say? We are more than prepared," the masked man chuckles.

"But that doesn't mean I won't try! So once I'm done with you guys, I'm going to get her," Ash says.

"Goodluck getting past all of us!" Maximum says.

"Luck won't be a part of it," an unknown voice says.

A man with red hair and wearing all black drops from the ceiling. He has a Pokeball in one hand.

"Silver. What a surprise," Bryon says, rubbing his chin.


"Don't act. You knew I was here, didn't you?" Silver says, crossing his arms.

"I had a hunch," Bryon replies.

"Well, then, I guess you would be surprise if I brought some friends along too," Silver says, as another man drops from the ceiling.

He's wearing a red jacket, with a Gold and black cap on.

"You brought his fool with you? Ha!" Maximum laughs.

"Hey! I'm going to knock the living-"

"Easy Gold. Remember why we're here," Silver says, patting his shoulder. They both turn and face me.

"You're May right? You're more beautiful in person," Gold says, grabbing my hand and kisses it. I simply stare at him.

How can he flirt at a time like this?

"Gold, stop. I apologize for his ignorance," Silver says, face palming himself.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it! It's a habit!"

"I'm sure once Crystal finds out, she'll break that habit!"

Gold looks to the ground and blushes slightly.


"Crystal? You mean there's more of you?" I ask.

Gold and Silver look at each other.

"Do you not know who we are?" Gold asks, fabbergasted.

I shake my head.

"How can you-"

Silver covers Gold's mouth.

"We're part of the orginal Pokedex Holders. Basically, where there's trouble, we always end up in the middle of it," Silver says, turning back around.

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