Chapter 20

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***Serena's POV

"Will you tell us about your travels Jason?" I ask, as everyone is shoving food in their mouths.

We've been sitting here for over two hours, and no one seems to have had their full.

"Well, I was runner-up in all the Pokemon Leagues I participated in," he says, wolving down his tenth piece of toast.

"Whoa. And which leagues did you battle in?" I ask.

"All of them. Kalos was probably the toughest one though."

"How come?" I ask.

"Because he refused to Mega Evolve," Sarah pipes in, drinking coffee.

"Really? Why?" May asks.

"After everything that happened getting that stone, I couldn't bring myself to use it. It would be selfish of me to use it," Jason says, putting his food down.

"Well, did you ever think that by not using it, my Pokemon's death and hard effort would be in vain?" Sarah says, taking a bite out of her omlette.

No one says anything as Jason stares at his plate.

How does Sarah claim to forgive him if she makes comments like that?

"Maybe. But I feel like using the stones would be disrespectful towards them. That's why I simply didn't and will not use them."

May shuffles a little in her seat, then clears her throat.

"Well, since we know a bit more about Jason, how about you tell us a bit more about yourself Sarah? Tell us, what is your dream? Same goes for you Jason," she says.

"Well, I've known Jason since we were little. As you know we travel together once we started our journey together. As for my dream, its technically two. I want to become the best Pokemon Trainer in both contests and battles. I enjoy both of alot, so I don't mind switching it up once in a while," Sarah explains.

"That's cool! Maybe we can compete against each other one day," May says, smiling.

Sarah smiles back.

"Of course."

I turn to Jason. He's still looking down at his place.

"Jason? What's your dream?" I ask.

He sighs.

"I have one, but it's very broad one," he says as he shuffles uncomfortably.

"I hope to be the best I can in every way I can, so when the time comes, I can help others. And of course travel and see new things as well. That's one of the reason why I didn't mind being runner up. If I was champion, that would mean a lot of responsibility to that region, and I just wouldn't want to stay put for so long," Jason says, standing up.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I got to go switch some of my Pokemon out," he says, as he walks away.

Sarah takes another sip of coffee.

"He sure is cute, isn't he?" She says. I blush as May stays still. She then grins and chuckles a bit.

"Well, I would be lying if I said I didn't find him cute," May says.

"You should've seen him when we were younger! He was so ambitious and determined, it was so cute and attractive. I'm going to be honest, I've had a crush on him since we first met," Sarah says, sighing.

That sounds similar to Ash.

"How did you guys meet?" I ask.

"Oh, I was playing in front of my house, when a wild Nidoran appeared out of no where, and attacked me. He pushed me into the ground, pinning me. I couldn't escape, and I was crying, because the Nidoran had so much anger and hatred in his eyes. They were almost a dark shade of red. The Nidoran was about to attack me once again, when something attacked the Nidoran off me. It was a little boy with spikey black hair wrestling with the Nidoran. Can you guess who it is?" Sarah asks, smiling.

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