One Final Author's Note

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That's the end of New Views, and to be honest, I'm glad I finished it. I'm usually the type of guy to start posting a story, get about 6-10 chapters in, then stop cuz I get bored. But I never truly got bored with this one, & I'm glad how the story turned out. Overall, the story took me about 5-6 months to write a full rough draft of the entire story, then just editing and trying to make it as best as I can. Because you the readers deserve the best I can produce.

& speaking of the readers...

Thank you. To everyone who gave my story a chance and to everyone who read it beginning to end. I appreciate it alot!

Would you guys want to see a sequel? What are your thoughts? I'm curious to see what everyone thinks.

But it doesn't just end with New Views! I'm currently working on two other projects.

The first is called Pokemon Short Stories, which is what the title suggests (I'll try to come up with something more clever). There will be be random stories from the pokemon universe, but there will be stories based from New Views, so some unanswered questions could answered. This one won't be regularly updated like New Views was, it'll be updated once I have written something I'm satisfied with.

The second is a cool new FanFiction that is pretty unique idea, that hopefully many of you will enjoy. I probably won't start publishing anything anytime soon, and the earliest that anything could come out will be in a month or two, so you will be kept in the dark for a bit about it (unless you're special, I may share it with you >:) ). So keep on the look out for that!

Then, of course maybe the sequel. Just maybe...

But that's it for this account. I'm also working on a project on my orginal wattpad account for my orginal stories.

I may be inactive for a while, but I'll always try to work on stuff and share what I can, school permitting cx

Thank you once again for everything.

& don't ever forget, Happy Reading :)

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