Chapter 8

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***Jason's POV

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I have memorized every crack, scratch, and dent on it.

I can't sleep. I haven't been able to for a long time now.

I get up from bed, and go check on Umberon across the hall.

He's laying on a hopistal bed, with wires connected to his body. He has an air mask on, and the heart monitor slowly beating.

It's slow but strong.

I walk over and begin to stroke his fur.

"I'm sorry buddy."

I give him a smile, and then walk out.

I walk down the hall, wondering if anyone is still up. I come across a room half opened, with the lights on. I peak my head in, and I see May, packing her bag for tomorrow. She has a piece of paper on the desk, which is a bit worn out.

"Don't worry Ash, I'll find you soon."

Both May and Serena seem to be obsessed with him.

I grin, and I continue to walk down the hall. I see a room wide open with the lights off. I look in, and the moonlight is flooding in. Serena is in bed, with all her Pokemon, cuddling with each other. I see a Panchum, Slyveon, and a Mudkip. They can't see me, but I can seeing them moving around a bit.

"Guys, tomorrow we're going on a journey to find Ash. He needs our help. So we're going to give our best to find him. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Braixen. She was taken by the same man who took Ash. Now, when we-"

I leave the room. They deserve some privacy. Especially after everything they've gone through.

But Serena is something else. She seems to have somewhat recovered. I still need to make it up to her. She didn't deserve the pain I made her go through. And I can't have a repeat of what happened last time I was reckless.

I sigh, and I turn to keep walking when I crash into someone


"Oh, I'm sorry Chansey, I didn't see you there!" I say, rubbing Chansey on her back.

She smiles, and continues walking. I noticed she had a torn up black and red dress in her arms. I watch as she goes into Serena's room.

Why does Serena still want that dress?

I shrug, and walk back to my room.

That's enough snooping around for one day.

I reach into my bag and pull out a small speaker, where I plug in my tablet. I walk towards the window, as the piano intro begins, and I watch as the moon loses it's dominance against the rising sun.

I smile, and take a deep breath.

"Time to search for peace."

***Ash's POV

I'm standing outside Pewter City's gym. I can't help but feel deja vu. It's been years since I challenged this gym and won my first gym badge.

Well, kinda won.

"Pika pi?"

Pikachu looks up with me, with his head turned to the side.

I sigh.

"You know what we have to do buddy," I say, as I force the doors open.

***Serena's POV

"Serena, I can't thank you enough!" Ash says, as we stare into each other's eyes. We're under each other's spell, and we slowly start getting closer, our lips about to touch.

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