Chapter 40

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***Jason's POV

Serena looked like she was gonna blow when Blue called her out.

She's cute when she's angry.

"Jason dear, I'm going to talk to Green, ok?" Sarah says, as she lets go of my arm.


I look over at Serena, and I see Ash hugging her tightly.

I watching them makes my heart ache.

I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Ash kisses her forehead, and whispers something in her ear.

I need some fresh air.

I walk out the room, and head outside. Once outside, I'm hit with a cold breeze.

Strange. It's usually very hot this time of year.

I stand there, watching the trees dance with the wind keeping tiempo, swaying back and forth. The sun is slowly hiding behind a plethora of clouds, creating a shadow that gently covers the land.

"Jason. Are you ok?"

I turn and May is standing by the door.

"I should be asking you that question," I answer. May stays silent, then smiles.

"I'm ok. To be honest, it still hurts. A lot. But I'm trying to move on, and maybe I'll be able to find someone who will want me as much as I want them," May answers, walking up to stand next to me.

"Your turn."

I sigh.

"I'm not ok. Not one bit." I smile, as I turn back towards the trees.

"What happened?"

"Some of the worst things that could've happened to somebody," I say, as I pick up a rock from the ground, and throw at a tree. The rock bounces off and skips along the ground.

"My mother and two of my oldest friends were killed because of me. And to finish it off I was rejected."

I turn and stare at May. She looks back at me with sorrow in her eyes.

"Jason. I'm so-"

"Don't. Just don't."

I hear screaming coming from inside. May runs and opens the door. I see Green storming towards me, with Yellow and Sarah following her.

"You!" Green yells, coming straight for me.

Oh. Looks like she knows.

She comes out and her fist makes contact with my face. The taste of blood immediately follows.

"How could you do this to her! Why? You can't use somebody like that!"

"Green, calm down! He didn't use me!" Sarah and Yellow catch up, and Sarah is pulling Green back while Yellow comes to check on me.

"Are you ok?" Yellow asks as I spit blood to the ground.

I grin.

"No. But this punch is the least of my worries."

"He took advantage of the situation! Jason, who are you? I would never expect you to do something like this!" Green breaks out of Sarah's grip and rushes towards me again. Yellow tries to stop her, but I pull her away. Green punches me in the jaw, and follows through with a kick on my side. Before I could even fall, she finishes off with a round house kick, sending me flying into a tree. The bark of the tree cracks as my back hits the trunk of the tree.

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