Chapter 15

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***Serena's POV

We're in a hopistal room, with Jason on the bed, unconscious. The heart monitor steadily beeps, reminding us he is still alive.

"May, what happened?" I ask, breaking the silence.

May sighs, and unties the bandana from her head. Her brown hair spills out to the sides.

"I was trying to convice Misty to snap out of it, but she wouldn't. So I tried to help Gastrodon, but I couldn't, because I forgot to freaking restock on potions. Potions! One of the most important things a trainer needs, and I didn't have any! So I stood up and slapped Misty, begging to snap out of it so we could help you and Jason, but she looked like she was going to kill me. She would've, if it wasn't for Sarah."

That's the name Jason mentioned.

"Who's Sarah?"

"This random trainer that somehow got through the barrier and conviced Misty to get up and help you and Jason. She also managed to cure Gastrodon with some special medicine as well. It was all so weird and fast."

I look at Jason. The color is slowly returning to his face, and he looks so peaceful.

"Gastrodon jumped at her side, ready to follow her, and he did without any question, which I found strange. I thought he was Jason's pokemon," May says, stretching out a bit.

"Well, there is a lot about him we don't know. He started telling me random facts about himself in case the worst happened," I say, reaching for Jason's hand. It's a warm, gentle touch, unlike his cold tone from earlier. I wrap my fingers around his, our palms pressing against each other.

"Tell me Serena: what do you think of Jason?"

I stare at Jason's face, noticing so many small details on his facial structure.

"I, well, I don't know. There's time where he's very caring, but also times he's very cold. He's very inconsistent, and it bugs me, because I never know what he's truly feeling," I answer, my face dropping.

"But I when I thought he was going to die, I panicked and freaked out. I didn't know what to do but I wanted to find a way to help him. I don't want to lose him. I don't want there to be any more deaths. Especially at the hands of-"

"Stop! You don't know that forsure!" May yells, slamming her hands on the bed railing.

I gulp.

"May, I-"

"Just because you've got a new boy toy, doesn't mean you should give up on Ash! Some people are loyal, no matter how the situation seems to be!"


I quickly let go of Jason's hand.

"No! I haven't given up on Ash! If I would have, I wouldn't be here!"

I can feel my face burning up.

Is what May saying true?

"I don't know why you have his hat. If anything, I should have it since I haven't lost sight of what we're doing!"

May walks over towards my bag.

"Hey! Stop it!"

I run over and pull my bag away. She grabs it and tries to pull it away from me.

"Give it to me Serena!"

"No! I'm holding on to it!"

"Give me Ash's hat now!"

"Why? He doesn't even-"

"Shut up!"

May and I freeze, as we see a beautiful woman with long, dark brown hair and smooth white skin in a black flowy dress glare at us with angry eyes.

"Stop being selfish! Don't you see you have a patient in critical condition? How immature can you both be?"

She walks over to Jason and ruffles his hair. She smiles gently at him.

"Now, either behave yourself or get the fuck out."

May lets go of my bag and storms out the room. My bag falls on the ground, and all my stuff flies out. I quickly knee and try to pick everything up. I hear footsteps as I reach for Ash's hat on the floor.

"Are you Serena?"

The woman asks, picking up Ash's hat.

"Y-yes," I answer, watching her as she fiddles with his hat.

"You're in a bit of a predicament. I can see right through you."

What is she talking about? What problem?

She then tosses me the hat. I quickly grab it and put it in my bag.

Is she talking about what May was saying earlier? About me and Jason, being a couple?

No! That isn't an option!

One boy has my heart, and that's Ash.

"So my advice to you is to take time to think about it," she says, as she moves back towards the bed and sits on the edge, gently touching Jason's face.

She leans over and kisses Jason on the lips.

My clench my fists, as I watch her stay in that position. She eventually lifts herself back up.

"And also don't think for too long, otherwise someone may come and take what could be yours. I'm Sarah, by the way."

She offers me her hand, but I just stare at it.

She grins.

"How old are you anyway? Fourteen?"

"No, I'm sixteen," I say through my teeth.

"You're only a girl. Jason wouldn't be interested in a girl, but a woman like-"

She's interupted when Jason sits up and opens his eyes, and screams. I could feel the pain, sorrow, and stress as the sound waves made contact with us.

Sarah covers her ears while I run towards Jason and wraps my arms around him. He quickly stops, and flops back down, instantly asleep.

"Sarah, what just happened?"

"Oh no. This isn't good. Has he been sleeping?"

"Uh, actually, I can't say."

"Crap. He's having nightmares again."

"Nightmares? What about?"

Sarah shrugs.

I glare at her, then look over to Jason, and his eyes are closed shut, as if he's wincing. I lean towards him and kiss him on the forehead, and his face relaxed a bit. I can feel Sarah staring at me.

"It'll be ok Jason," I say, as I sit on the other side of the bed and take his hand.

"You will be ok."

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