Chapter 31

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***Serena's POV

"Why aren't you in the pool?" Platinum yells from the edge of the pool.

"You guys look like you're having so much fun, I don't want to interupt," I explain.

Platinum sighs.

"Silver! Can you help us out here?" Gold yells.

Silver ignores him and keeps doing whatever he's doing on his tablet.

"Come on Serena! It's ok to have fun," Crystal says.

I don't know.


We turn towards the entrance and see Green run in.

"Everything ok?" Silver asks, suddenly very interested.

"Yellow and Sarah are both awake now!"

"That's great!" I yell.

"Yeah! Let's celebrate by having the huge dinner Dia is finishing up with," Green says.

"Let's go! I love his cooking!" Gold say as he throws Crystal off his shoulders and jumps out the pool.


I giggle as I begin to make my way up.


We get dressed and head towards dining room. Once we arrive, I stand there in awe.

There's a diamond chandlier hanging above a long rectangular table, with fancy looking chairs. Along the wall are paintings of different Pokemon, along with one of each trainer.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Platinum asks.

"It really is," I answer.

"Everyone, take your seat. We'll start once everyone gets here," Crystal says.

"What about May?" I ask.

"She'll be here, don't worry," Platinum says, sitting down at the table. Pearl, Crystal, Gold, and Silver do the same. I end up sitting next to Crystal.

The door opens, and Sapphire and Ruby come in, giggling. I notice they're holding hands.

I can't help but grin.

"So they're finally a thing, huh?" Gold whispers over to Crystal.

"Looks like it," she replies, as they sit down next to each other.

Ruby looks over at me, and winks.

My grin grows wider.

The door opens again, and in comes May, slowly walking over. She grab the chair next to me and sits down.

"How are you?" I ask.

May shrugs, and stares at the plate in front of her.

Five minutes later, Sarah, Yellow and Green come in. They all appear to be in some sort of debate.

"I don't know, ask Green," Yellow mumbles as she sits next to May, and Sarah sits across from her. Green sits next to Yellow.

"Hey, a bet is a bet," Green says.

"But I'm not so sure why I'm involved in this," Sarah says.

"You were in the room, that's why," Green says, smirking.

Yellow and Sarah look 100 percent better. They look as if nothing happened.

"Hey, you know what I just realized?" Sapphire says.

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