Chapter 4

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***Serena's POV

Once we get out of the storm, the sun quickly sets and the moonlight touches everything on the ground.

Despite how much time passes, my eyes can't stop the tears from coming out.

My heart is heavy with grief and I can't do anything about it.

Or at least, not now.


I look up at the stranger holding me, trying to control my breathing.

This is the first thing he's said since the battle.

"My name is Jason, it's nice to meet you."

He smiles at me, his eyes warm once again.

I shove myself off him and shuffle around, facing the back of Charizard's head.

The fact he's taking the situation so lightly is starting to annoy me.

A few moments later, I feel arm slowly begin to wrap around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I snap, smacking his arms. He quickly pulls away.

"I'm just making sure you're ok," he answers quietly.

"You want to make sure I'm ok? Then explain everything to me!"

"I will, once we stop."

"No! Tell me now!"

"No, just wait, we will-"

"No! I was choked, kicked, slapped, and nearly raped! I want to know. I need to know."

Tears start streaming down my face as I start sniffling.

"Fine. Just let me find a safe place to-"

I've had it.

I lean over to the side and I fall off his Charizard.

I instantly regret it.

I watch as the ground is getting closer and closer. The wind is shoving itself in my nostrils, not allowing me to breath. My head is being forced back as far as my neck will allow me.

This seemed like a better idea when I was on Charizard.

I'm headed straight for a tree, when I land in Jason's arms right before I hit.

He looks at me, and wipes the tears off my face.

"Charizard, first clearing you see, land in it."


We land in a small patch in between a bunch of trees.

Jason carries me off and gently places me on the ground. He unleashes all his Pokemon and they quickly step up camp. Umberon digs a hole, while Pichu gets firewood. Grovyle searches for branches, and other materials to build a shelter. The rest of the pokemon scout the area and search for any food. We have a fire running in no time.

"Serena." I say, as Jason begins examining my ankle.

He smiles.

"You're crazy, you know that right?" He says, calling Minum over.

I grin.

"What can I say, I do what I have to to get my point across."

He stares at me, then turns over to Minum.

"Minum, Ice Punch on the ground." Jason orders.

Minum powers her fist, and slams it into the ground. A chunk of ice is formed. Jason moves over to it, and breaks a piece off. He places it in a towel from his bag, and gently places it  on my ankle.

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