Chapter 10

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***Serena's POV

"Serena! No!"

I ignore Jason's warning and dash for the hat.

I have to see it first hand. There's no way it's his hat. He would never do this, especially to a friend.

I quickly pick it up, and as I turn around, I'm face to face with a giant bee, with two dual stingers pointed at me.

"Minun, go!"

Minun pops out, her cheeks giving off sparks of electricity.

"Minun, Thunderbolt now!"

Minun powers up the attack, and unleashes it upon the Beedrill, which crashes to the ground.

"Look up!"

I look up and I see three people wearing the same outfit: all black clothes with white masks.

"You'll pay for what you've done to my Beedrill!" One of them yells, as they unleash a green insect pokemon.


"Minun, use-"

I'm interrupted as I'm suddenly unable to move and slowly start floating. Then, everything goes black.

***Jason's POV

"May! We have to go!"

May nods and she returns Blaziken to her Pokeball. I return Grovyle.

"Don't let them escape!"

More Pokemon are unleash. A Hounddoom and a Machamp join Scyther on the chase.

"Charizard, Phanpy, go!" I yell as I toss their Pokeballs. Charizard's orange body emerges, along with a small blue elephant with orange markings on her nose and ears.

"Phanpy, use Rollout!"

Phanpy becomes a blur as she turns into a ball and rolls around on the ground. She rounds up the enemy Pokemon, causing them to stop moving and try to think of somehow to escape.

"Beedrill, Pin Missile!" One of the people from the top of the roof yell through the hole.

White light missiles shoot out of Beedrill's stringers and trying to hit Phanpy, but they all miss.

"Charizard, Flamethrower on that Beedrill!"

Flame erupt from Charizard's mouth as they shoot out and engulf the Beedrill. He collapses on the ground.

"Machamp! Stop that pest from moving!"

Machamp runs in front of Phanpy's way, and Phanpy tries to swerve out of the way, but Machamp reaches out with two hands and catches Phanpy.

"Karate Chop!"

With his two extra hands, Machamp delivers two powerful karate chops on Phanpy. He then tosses her in the air like a rag doll and crashes hard to the ground.


I need more time.

I turn behind and see that May brought out Pidgeot, and has an unconscious Serena on his back. Minun is with them, protecting them from any harm.

"Phanpy! If you can get up, use Rollout again!" I yell, as I run towards May.

"Charizard, use Dragon Claw on Machamp!"

"Machamp, counter with Mega Punch!'

"Scyther, use Wing Attack on Charizard!"

Charizard takes off towards Machamp, determined. Machamp's Mega Punch clashes with Charizard's Dragon Claw. Machamp other three arms reach around.

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