Chapter 2

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***Serena's POV

"Who are you?"
I ask, slowly lifting myself off the muddy ground.

"Oh, I just have a question." The masked man answers.

He slowly starts stepping towards me, his Swampert following.

I step back, trying to stay as far away as I can.

What do I do? If I run, he'll surely attack again. And he's forcing me away from the Pokemon Center, so no one will hear me yell for help. That leaves me only one option.

I reach for one of my Pokeballs, when I suddenly feel a presence behind me.

Before I can turn around, something wraps it's arms around me and picks me up, pinning my arms to my side.


"Let go of me!"

"Now now, did you really think I was going to let you use your pokemon?"

The masked figure walks up to me.

"Why are you doing this?"

He answers with his palm making contact with my face.

"Look here girl, I will be doing the questioning here, got it?" He yells. Despite my eyes being to water, I make eye contact.

He has sad, blue eyes.

He reaches up to my face, and grabs my chin. His eyes wander all over my body.

"How old are you? Sixteen?"

I nod slowly.

"Yes, you definitely are a pretty girl, especially in that dress," He says, tracing his finger along my cheek, and slowly going down my neck, then my collarbone.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"N-n-no, but-"

"But what? You think your crush is going to come save you? Trust me, he isn't coming."

I feel him smiling under his mask. The sadness in his eyes are replaced with mischief, and anger.

He quickly turns around and takes a couple steps away.

"Bronzong! Come out and perform another Rain Dance!"

Well that explains the sudden storm.

A Bronzong comes out of the shadows, and begins the Rain Dance.

The masked man turns back around, and stares at me.

"Please! Somebody help me!" I yell, wiggling around trying to break free.

Please, someone hear me. Anyone.

Hariyama tightens her grip on me.

"I would stop screaming if I were you. No one can hear you because of this storm. Besides, you'll be doing a lot of screaming soon enough," He says, as he rushes up and grabs my neck.

I start to cry.

"No. Please, don't hurt me."

I spot another Pokemon creep behind him and sit next to him. A Mightyena.

He brings his face closer to mine. With his free hand, he reaches down my dress and touches my knee with his cold fingers as they slowly begin to creep upward.

I can't handle this. I need to make it stop.

"By the time I'm done with you-"

I don't let him finish. I kick him in his weak spot, right in between his legs.

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