Chapter 25

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***Serena's POV

I slowly open my eyes.

I'm in the middle of a very calm, and peaceful forest.

Pokemon are on their merry way, without a worry in the world. They happily talk to each other and play in the trees.

To the left of me. water rushes in a river in a powerful, yet gentle, current.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

There's a woman in brown clothing. She wears a straw hat with her blonde hair spilling out, as she's sitting alone the riverbank, a fishing pole in hand.

"Yeah, it definitely is," I say, slowly getting up. My body aches as I force my muscles to move.

"Are you ok? You've been there for such a long time. I didn't even notice you were there and I've been here for hours," she says, as a Pikachu with a flower tucked behind her ear runs up to her and jumps in her lap.

"Oh, hey Chu! I missed you!"

I watch as she hugs Chu, and Chu seems to speak to her. She then closes her eyes and presses her hand against Chu's forehead.


She then opens her eyes, picks up her stuff and walks towards me.

"I'm ok, thanks for-"

She grabs my hand and starts leading me deeper into the forest.

What is going on?

"Uh, excuse me, but I have to find people, because you see, I kinda just-"

"Fell from the sky, yeah I know," the woman answer as we push through a couple of bushes.

"How do you know? You just said you didn't know! And who are you!"
I yell, trying to break free.

Man, she's really hooked on to me.

She stops, and I nearly fall on top of her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted and forgot to introduce myself! My name is Yellow, and this here is Chu!"

"Pika!" Chu says, walking up and rubbing against my leg.

"You're so cute!" I say, petting her.

"She is, isn't she? Now, we have to keep moving!" Yellow says, grabbing my hand once again.


"Because, Chu said there's lots of fighting going on and we have to find somewhere safe," she says, leading me in between two trees.

"Chu said?"


She can talk to Pokemon too?

She suddenly stops, and puts her index finger on her lips. She focuses for a brief second, then tackles me to the ground. A purple tail crashes down where we just were.


A huge muscular purple Pokemon pops out of the shadows, roaring at us.

I scream.

"Chu, use Thunderbolt!"


The attack hits the Pokemon, but he quickly shakes it off and shoots purple needles at us.

"Watch out!"

Yellow tackles me down again, and Chu dodges and unleashes another Thunderbolt.

I need to calm down.

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