Chapter 43

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***Jason's POV

"Charizard, use Flamethrower on as many enemies as you can get as we make our way up top!" I order.

Charizard fires blast after blast, in hopes of helping our friends in the battle.

"Just go! We'll be fine!" Blue yells, as his Charizard manages to knock out a Hounddoom.

"But Red is-"

"Go! Just get Serena! Team Johto is battling Bryon as we speak so it'll be fine!" Blue yells as he caught up in his own fight with a grunt.

"You heard him, let's go!" I yell, as we try to catch up to Ash, who's already halfway up the mountain.

***Serena's POV

I slowly open my eyes. The ground below me is moving so fast, as if I was flying.


I look up, and I see a purple cloud carrying me by holding the edges of my chains up and dragging me around like a puppet.



I turn my head, and out of my periferal vision, I see Ash riding his Charizard, and Pikachu on his shoulder, on the way to save me.

"Take a good look at him. It'll be the last time you see him," Drew says, who's being carried by Gengar as well next to me.

"You're lucky I'm chained up or I would-"

"Luck has nothing to do with it!" Drew says, looking into my eyes, which are consumed with anger and hate.

I stay silent.

"We're here."

Gengar takes us to the very top of Mt. Moon. As we land, the snow is so deep, my feet sink in and is halfway up my shin. My teeth chatter as Gengar pins the chains on a large rock. A strong breeze pierces my skin, causing goosebumps to grow.

Why did it have to be so windy up here?

Across from me, I see a body outlined with snow.

"Oh, him? He had the audacity to challenge Bryon." Drew says.

"He definitely paid the consequences," Bryon says, appearing from the shadows, dragging Crystal on the ground by her hair.

He's carrying Silver on his shoulders, unconscious.

Crystal grabs his hand, trying to pry his fingers with tears in her eyes.

That means that the person buried in the snow is Gold.

Byron tosses Silver next to Gold, and throws Crystal in front of me. Crystal lays there for a few moments, then slowly attempts to get up.

"Crystal! Are you ok?"

She shakes her head, as she looks at me in despair. Her eyes are red from crying, and her face shows how much pain she's in right now.

"Ugh! Let me go!" I yell, as I'm engulfed in anger. I pull on the chain, trying to break the chain off the boulder, but to no avail.


Ash lands in front of me, next to Crystal. He runs towards me, but stops when Drew stands in front of me, blocking him. He then goes checks on Crystal.

"What happened?" Ash asks, as he looks up at Bryon, who's standing next to Drew.

"W-we searched inside Mt. Moon for Bryon, and we did. We automatically challenged him and began to fight him. We were doing so well; even with his infected pokemon, the battle seemed evenly matched. But that changed, when he pulled out the stones," Crystal explains.

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