Chapter 7

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***Serena's POV

"I can't believe you did that!" I hear the Professor scold as I slowly appoarch the kitchen. I hide in the doorway, and begin to eavesdrop.

"I did what I could to make it as easy as possible for Umberon! I reduced as much space as I could between all of us, and I didn't tell him to teleport us so close! He's as stubborn as a Spearow!"


"That doesn't justify what you did! He's in critical condition! Not even Chansey's egg had much effect on him. We just have to hope that with help of the machines, and with time, he will feel better soon."

I can imagine Professor Oak folding his arms.

"I know Professor. It is my fault. I'm not saying it's not. But I owed it to her. She got hurt because I let it happen. Otherwise, I would have never done this."

Professor Oak sighs.

"Jason, you're eighteen and a very skilled trainer. You would think your reasoning would be a lot better with the experience you have! Especially after what happened between you and-"

I hear a chair squeak, followed with a thud.

"I know Professor! I know! I'm careless and stupid! But don't you dare bring that up, especially since we have bigger things to worry about than the past!"

Jason sighs, and I hear another thud and squeak.

"Anyways, how is the situation?"

"Nothing has changed, which is a good and bad. I will explain everything and my preferred plan of action when Serena comes out of hiding and joins us at the table."

I gasp, and I slowly come to the doorway.

Professor Oak is holding a cup of tea, smiling with warm eyes.

Jason, realizing I was there the whole time, shakes his head in disbelief and runs his hand through his hair.

"Would you like a cup of tea Serena?" Professor Oak asks as I sit down.

"Yes please."

I look over to Jason, and he avoids eye contact. He's staring towards the glass door that leads to the dark outdoors.

"Professor, where is-"

"She wanted to go out. I let her," Professor Oak interupts Jason mid sentence.

"Professor! You know-"

A girl with brown hair, and dark blue eyes wearing all black rushes in through the glass door.

She quickly closes the door behind her, and she puts her hands on her knees, catching her breath.

"Welcome back May. Would you like some tea?" Professor Oak asks, as he pours my cup.

Jason's face is so red, it looks like it might explode.

"Sure Professor," she says, sitting down across from me.

"Who are you?" She asks, her eyebrows bending in curiosity.

"My name is Serena." I say, reaching for a handshake. She accepts it.

"What brings you here?"

"I'm here to-"

"We're all here for the same reason." Jason chines in, quickly taking a deep breath. Professor Oak comes along, and gives May and I our tea. He sits down, putting a laptop on the table.

May glaces at me, then looks over to the computer.

What was that for?

I don't question it, because it seems like I'm finally going to get some answers.

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