Chapter 42

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***Jason's POV

We instantly let each other go and rush back where we left the girls with our Pokemon on our shoulders.

A few minutes later, I spot Sarah on the ground, with Lucario on her stomach.

"Sarah! What happened?" I ask as I rush to help her.

"Serena and I got attacked by some Ghost Pokemon. I don't even know which Pokemon it was," she says as manages to gently push Lucario off of her and return him to his pokeball.

"Where's Serena?" Ash asks.

"I don't know. But my guess is that the Pokemon took her."


"What did it look like?" I ask.

"I'm not completely sure. I remember seeing like a shadow travel along the ground, then-"

"It was Drew."

Sarah looks at me with disarray.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"Remember, he's as stubborn as a Spearow. He won't stop until he gets what he wants."

"Damn it Drew!" She yells.

"We gotta go get her!" Ash yells, as he run towards the Pokedex Holders, but then stops he notices they're not in sight.

"Wait! We don't know if the Pokedex Holders attacked or not! We need to figure things out first!" Sarah says, holding Ash's shoulder.

I quickly reach for my Poketch and dial Yellow.


"Yellow! There was a bit of a predicament. Serena was kidnapped."

I can hear shuffling, and someone groan in the background. I hear whispering.

"Jason! It's Blue. You better focus on the mission or-"

"But they have Serena!" Ash yells, grabbing my arm.

"I don't care what happens, but I need to make sure she's safe!"

"She won't ever be safe if the Second Pokemon War starts up," Blue comments.

Ash clenches his fists and grits his teeth.

My heart begans to beat quicker.

How could this have happened again?

"Where are you guys now?" I ask.

"We're about an half an hour away from Mt. Moon. So be ready, because as soon as we arrive, we're putting the plan in motion. I trust you'll make the right choice," Blue says as Yellow yells in the background.

"Jason! Ash! Don't listen to this grumpy head! You'll know it's the right choice if your heart tells you to choose it!" Yellow says, as she cuts off the call.

"Let's go!" Ash yells, as he starts walking.


The snow continues falling at the steady pace, and is quickly piling up on the ground.

I sigh and contine to follow Ash. Sarah walks by my side.

"What happened while you guys were 'patrolling'? You guys' faces are all bruised up," Sarah asks.

I look at her and smile weakly.

"Just us guys bonding with some fighting."

Sarah frowns.

"Well, Serena and I got into an argument before we got attacked, and I kinda got a bit agressive with her." Sarah confesses.

I look at her, and she looks at me back. Her hair flies loosely behind her.

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