Chapter 6

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***Serena's POV

I reapply ice to my ankle as Jason orders Charizard to burn down the shelter. The fire cracks as it devours the wood.

"Good job Charizard." He says, patting Charizard's head.

"So, Jason, where are we going?" I ask.


"Kanto? That's at least going to take us about a week. We gotta get going now!" I exclaim, getting up.

"Easy there Serena. I have a way that we can get there in just a few hours," Jason says as he grins.

I frown.

"That's not possible."



He helps me get on Charizard, then he gets on. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Pokeball.

"Umberon, come on out!"

The white light appears, swiftly forming into Umberon.


He shakes a little bit, his black fur shining in the light, then stares at us with his red eyes.

"Umberon, get on," Jason says, making room. Umberon easily gets on, and with a mighty flap of Charizard's wings, we are off into the sky once again.

We fly steadily for about five minutes.

I start getting impatient.

"Jason, I hope you have a better idea then this. No offense Charizard," I say, patting his back. Charizard grins at me, while Jason doesn't answer. I turn back, and I see Jason whisper to Umberon.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is great. We're ready."

"Ready for what?"

Jason then jumps on me, so my back is pressed against Charizard's back and I'm face to face with Jason.

"W-what in-"

"Umberon, use Teleport!"

I close my eyes shut, and I feel a strange pull in my stomach. Next thing I know I'm tumbling down and I hit the ground. Dirt ends up in my mouth.


I open my eyes, and quickly get up, spitting out the dirt out of my mouth.

Charizard is standing next to me. He must've stood up straight, causing me to fall. Next to Charizard, is Jason kneeling over Umberon, who's on the ground, barely breathing.

"Oh no! Is he ok?" I yell, limping over. Umberon struggles to breath as he sweats up a storm. Jason slowly pets him.

"Jason, what happened? Why is he like this?" I ask, kneeling and touching Umberon's forehead. It's as hot as a Charizard's tail flame!

"You ambitious idiot. I clearly told you not to do it," Jason says softly, still slowly stroking Umberon's fur.

"Do what?" I ask, putting down my backpack and reaching for a water bottle.

"Teleport is usually a move for only Physic types since they have physic powers naturally. But my Umberon was able to learn one or two Physic type moves, and I needed a pokemon to learn Teleport, and he volunteered. The thing is, it takes a ridiculous toll on his body, so I asked him to teleport us about three hours away from our destination. Instead, we're about ten minutes away," he says, sighing.

"I should've never taught him it."

I stared at Jason as he explained, then I tried to offer Umberon some water but he didn't move at all.

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