Chapter 29

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***Serena's POV

"Where's Ash?" I ask, as I look out the window.

The orginal Pokedex Holders brought us to a mini mansion in the middle of the woods.

Inside is beautiful, with painting of different adventures, Pokemon and people alike.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be just fine," Crystal says, as she tends my wounds.

"How about Sarah? Is she ok? What about Yellow? I saw Misty was hurt too!"

"She's really hurt. She didn't realize how far she pushed herself until I picked her up, and she just collapsed. She'll be fine though, I'm sure of it. And as for the rest of them, they'll be fine too, they just have to rest," Crystal says, smiling.


I watch Silver and Gold sit in chairs a few feet away from me, whispering. Gold glaces over to me, then quickly looks away.

"Are they talking about me?" I ask.

Crystal rolls her eyes.

"Silver isn't. He's more mature than that. Gold, on the other hand, probably is. He's such a child, but you don't have to worry about him doing or saying anything stupid," Crystal says, putting the last band aid on me.

"Who's such a child?" Gold asks, as he comes over and hugs Crystal from behind. Crystal sighs, then smiles as she places her arms on his.

"You are."

"How? Did you see me take on the whole Pokemon army back there? A child wouldn't be able to do that!"

"Yeah, but May definitely helped," Silver says, walking up and sitting next to me.

"Serena, do you battle?" Gold asks.

"Well, I-"

"She strives to be Kalos Queen," Crystal says.

"I've seen some of your performances. I absolutely love them! You'll forsure win it next year!" Crystal explains with a smile.

I begin to blush.

"Thank you. It really means a lot."

"Whoa. And May is the Princess of Hoenn. So much royalty!" Gold says, letting go of Crystal and sitting next to her.

"Yeah, too bad they're only useful against grunts," Silver says, crossing his arms.

"Says the one who lost against Bryon," I mutter.

Everyone looks at me.

"You wouldn't last a second against him. Sorry if I upset you, but I'm simply stating the facts," Silver says, standing up and walking away.

"That may be true. But if I'm fighting for someone who I really care about, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure they don't end up hurt." I say.

Silver stops for second, then continues walking.

"Don't mind him Serena, he's just grumpy he lost," Gold says.

"Do you want to go check on your friends?" Crystal asks, standing up.

I nod and stand up as well.

"You girls go ahead. I'm going to stay here and make sure Dia and Pearl don't do anything stupid," Gold says, hearing yelling and noises coming from the other side of the hall.

"Dia and Pearl?" I ask, as we walk down the hall.

"Diamond and Pearl. They're the two guys that helped us escape. Platinum is the girl that was with them. She's actually the one who paid for all this," Crystal says as we open a door.

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