Chapter 37

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***Serena's POV

I try to control my crying, but I can't turn off the waterworks.

"It's my fault. I hurt him."

Braixen looks and taps my shoulder.

"Brai! Braixen, Brai!"

Braixen is staring at me with sad eyes.

"But this had to be done, didn't it? I did the right thing?"

Braixen nods, and hugs me.

Then why does it feel so wrong and hurt so much?

"Pichu pi!"

We turn and watch as Pichu and Umberon rush into the lobby and head towards Nidoqueen's room. Pichu jumps in the air, and uses Iron Tail on the door to force it open. As they try to enter, Pichu gasps and jumps away from the doorway, dodging a Hyper Beam. Umberon quickly uses Protect and takes the Hyper Beam.

"What is going on?" I ask. Braixen points towards Jason's Pokemon.

"Of course! Let's help out!" I say, as I force myself up and wipe away the few tears on my face.

Pichu rushes in the room with Umberon following closely behind.

Braixen and I follow them inside moments later, and I gasp as I watch Umberon uses Shadow Ball on Aggron, giving Pichu an opening at Swampert, who's standing over Nidoqueen, powering up a Brick Break attack. Nidoqueen weakly holds her hands up to protect herself.

"Pichu!" Pichu cries as he uses Thunder Wave to stop Swampert. The attack hits and Swampert cried out in pain, being paralyzed on spot. Pichu's tail develops a Silver glow as he lands a Iron Tail on Swampert, sending him away from Nidoqueen.

"Braixen, use Fire Blast on Aggron!" I order, and Braixen quickly obeys, launching the powerful fire type attack against Aggron. Aggron roars in pain as the attack hits him in the chest, forcing him to fall backwards against the wall.

Braixen and I quickly make our way to Nidoqueen, who's slowly getting out of her bed.

"Nidoqueen! Are you ok? Please, lay back down!" I plead, as I grab her arm. Nidoqueen shakes her head and points over to a corner. There, laying motionless on the ground is Nidoran, blood covering her fur.

"Oh no."

Nidoqueen roars weakly, as she turns towards Aggron. Pichu circles Swampert as he tries to get up, ready to strike again.

Nidoqueen starts to power up a Hyper Beam at the hurt Aggron. Aggron roars at her, but she ignores him and continues powering up her attack. Just as Nidoqueen is about to launch it, the wall that separate Nidoqueen's and Nidoking's room breaks, and a body flies through it, hitting Nidoqueen, causing her Hyper Beam to hit part of the roof, causing the rubble to fall down on us.

Nidoqueen is thrown into the opposite wall, where they create a big hole. I look over towards Nidoking's room, and through the hole in that wall Hariyama and Garchamp walk in. Garchamp eyes me, and smirks.

I gulp.

This can't be good.

Garchamp's claw starts glowing green, and he lunges straight at us.

I try to order a command, but Garchamp is too quick. I feel the energy buzzing off his claw when Umberon suddenly appears in front of us, and jumps on top of Braixen and I, then next thing I know we're back in the lobby. Umberon jumps off of us and quickly teleports back into the other room.


Braixen points at the wall that was destroyed by Nidoqueen's body. There, Nidoqueen and Nidoking are lying on the ground, buried in rubble. Nidoking slowly gets up, but Nidoqueen doesn't.

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