Chapter 47

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***Two Years Later***

"Swampert, use Water Pulse!" Leafia, orders. Swampert obeys, sending the attack.

"Eevee, dodge it with Dig!" I say, as Eevee dives into the ground.

"Use Earthquake!" Leafia yells. As Swampert is about to attack, Eevee appears from underground, hitting Swampert under his chin, knocking him out.

"Whoa, you're better than I thought," Leafia says, returning Swampert.

"You're lucky I didn't use Leafeon, otherwise you would've lost forsure."

"Maybe, but at least I know I'm ready for the tournament," I say, as Eevee runs up and jumps in my arms. My metal arm shakes slighty but I ignore it.

"I still don't get why you didn't contact your friends, especially Serena. You really like her so why don't you tell her?" Leafia asks, as we both start walking towards the wooden house.

"I told you. She has a boyfriend who's she's very happy with. I'm not trying to get in between them!"

"So you're gonna let yourself get screwed over?"

"Yes, just as long as she's happy."

***Serena's POV

"Serena! Ash! How are you guys?" Yellow screams, running up to us an engulfing us in a hug.

After all of the Pengen was in safe hands, and everything seemed to be normal again, everyone went their separate ways. The Pokedex Holders when back to their thing.

May went on to travel in Kalos.

Dawn went back to Sinnoh.

I continued on with my journey through Hoenn and Ash went to the Alola region. We kept in touch during our journeys, so once we finished, we both returned to Kalos, where I finally became Kalos Queen and Ash became Kalos's champion. We've been there since.

"We're good! We missed you guys!" I says, hugging her back. Ash is busy keeping Pikachu from shocking everyone.

"You look great!" Yellow says, as she gets a better look at my outfit. I'm wearing a white flowy dress, with a black hat and black shoes.

"But I don't look nearly as good as you," I say, laughing. Yellow blushes, and spins in her yellow sun dress.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kalos Queen."

"Oh stop it!" I say, blushing.

"Where is everyone else?" Ash asks, as he pulls at his tie again. He's wearing a white dress shirt along with black dress pants and tie.

"Oh, they're already sitting down! We should go, before Gold starts speaking," Yellow says, grinning. I lock arms with Ash as we follow Yellow into the hallway that will lead us into the stadium.

Gold's and Crystal's wedding is today. And how does Gold plan to celebrate? By hosting a Pokemon tournament in Johto, inviting trainers from around the world.

What a great honeymoon.

"Hi guys! Guess who I found roaming around in the back!" Yellow yells, as all the Pokedex Holders turn around.

"Hi!" I exclaim, as Ash and I go around saying hi to everyone.

Once we approach Sarah, I see she's holding a child wearing a pink and yellow dress with a pink bow in her hair, while Sarah is wearing an all white dress.

"Sarah!" I exclaim.

"Serena! Ash!" She yells, hugging us each.

"Is that who I think it is?" I ask, as I pick up the baby girl from Sarah's lap.

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