Chapter 11

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***May's POV

"A room for two please," I say, faking a smile to Nurse Joy.

"Of course dear," she says, allowing us to go around to the back. Serena silently follows.

It's sunset, so we went ahead and got rooms for the night.

We enter the room, and we sit on the beds, which are on opposite sides of each other. Serena is holding the hat in front of her, staring at it.

What are crazy day. And it's only the first day of our journey. We don't have a clue what we're doing or what we're looking for. And the only person who had an idea what to do stayed we left in a collapsing building.

Smart move, huh?

"I'm sorry."

I look over at Serena. Tears are running down her face.

"I'm sorry. For being a burden. For being helpless. I'm sorry for Ash, and what he did to-"


Serena jumps back.

"Just, don't."

My breathing become shaky. My eyes watery as I try to hold back tears.

"You can't apologize for something you can't control. It's not your fault you were attacked and you hit your head. And don't ever apologize for something someone else did, especially if you had nothing to do with it."

Tears are running down in streams.

"Damn it! I told myself I wouldn't cry anymore."

Serena walks over and hugs me. I wince as she wraps her arms around me.

"It's ok. It's ok to cry, especially after what happened."

I hug her back.

We stayed like for I don't know how long, but we separate when someone knocked on the door.

"I got it," Serena says, letting go.

"Hello! I'm just bringing back your Pokeballs. They're all fully healed, but I'm still looking at Blaziken. He seems still be pretty weak from that attack he received, but I'm sure that he's back one-hundred percent, and I'll bring him over once he is," Nurse Joy says, hanging Serena two trays of pokeballs.

"Thanks Nurse Joy," Serena says, closing the door and handing me a tray. I take them and put them all back on my belt.

I hope Blaziken will be ok.

"Do you want to get something to eat, or you want to take a nap instead?" Serena asks, smiling.

"I, I think I'll sleep for a bit instead."

I pull the covers over me, and Serena does the same on her bed.

"Serena, thank you."

"What for? I should be thanking you."

"For trying to comfort me. At the gym, and just now."

"Anytime May. Anytime."


***Serena's POV

I'm sitting on my bed, holding the hat.

The red hat that belongs to a sweet, gentle, passionate boy who never hated anyone, and loves all Pokemon.

Does this boy still exist?

I sigh.

I can't keep thinking like this. I know he has to be the same person. But I don't understand how he is willing to do such a terrible thing to his friend.

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