Chapter 3

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***Serena's POV

A Grovyle leaps through the air, unleashing another round of Bullet Seed on Bronzong.

"You will wish you were dead after I'm done with you!" The masked man threatens, stepping off of me.

He walks towards the stranger, a Pokeball in hand. He drops it and out comes an Aggron.

"Umberon, it's showtime!" The stranger yells, unleashing Umberon. He growls and stares intensely at Aggron with his bright red eyes.

A second later, all hell breaks loose.

Each of their Pokemon pair up and engage in battle. The mice pokemon return to their orginal opponents, while Grovyle is now struggling to break free of Bronzong's Confusion. Umberon takes Aggron head on.

And their trainers? Well, they're having their own battle.

"I will have your head!" The masked man said, casually pulling out a long sword as he continues walking. The stranger sighs, shrugs, then sprints towards him.

Is he crazy? He's going to get himself killed!

I have to do something.

I try to get up, but as soon as I put pressure on my bad ankle, I gasp and fall back on the ground.

Damn it!


I turn around, and the stranger, using the momentum he picked up by running, slides underneath the masked man, knocking him over, making him drop his sword.

The stranger quickly gets up and runs over to me.

"I'm sorry we had to meet again like this," He apologizes, giving me a warm smile.

"Can you walk?"

"No. I can't even stand."

"No problem."

He crouches down and he picks me up bridal style.

I can feel the heat build up in my cheeks.

It quickly fades when I realize the masked man is in front of us, pointing his sword at us.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere but here. Grovyle!"

Grovyle turns from giving Bronzong a barrage of Leaf Blades. He jumps, and uses Bullet Seed, aimed at the masked man.

His eyes widen, caught completely off guard.


His Hariyama steps up in front of him, taking the hit. Hariyama yells in pain, and falls backwards, nearly crushing her trainer.

"We gotta go," my rescuer says, as he begins to run.

His Grovyle drops next to us and runs in front of us.

"Who are you?" I ask, tightly holding on to his neck.

"I will explain everything when we're-"

Umberon is thrown at us at full force, knocking us to the ground.


Aggron charges straight at us.

"Damn it. Umberon, use Flash!" The stranger yells, covering my eyes.

Ringing attacks my ears, and I feel the stranger throw me in the air. I open my eyes and I'm falling towards the ground.


I land on the back of a Charizard.

"Everyone, get to the lake!" The stranger yells, as he begins to sprint.

I sigh, and I force my muscles to relax. I touch my face carefully, trying to feel for any other injuries. I wince as I touch my left eye.

I sigh.

There's no doubt my eyes is gonna swell up, but it could've been a lot worse.

Wait, my hands are empty. More importantly, my right hand is empty.

No, no, it has to be here somewhere! Where is it?

I frantically look for the Pokeball that was in my hand.


"You have to take me back!"
I yell at the Charizard.

He ignores me.

"Please! The masked man has-"

"-Your Braixen!"

I turn and I see the masked man, on a Flygon. He has my Pokeball in his hand.

"Give her back!"

"Then come with me. You are needed."

"By who?"

"By Ash."

My blood runs cold.


Before I could react, Charizard dives straight towards the ground.

"No! I need to get Braixen back!"

I turn, and I see Flygon powering up a Hyper Beam. Before the Flygon can even launch it, she's struck by a Thunderbolt.

"I will find you Serena. And I will make sure you will never see Ash or Braixen again!"

My heart drops

Charizard lands, and the stranger hops on.

"Listen, thanks for saving me, but we have to-"

"No. We have to go."

"No, you don't understand, he has-"

"No. I can't risk it. Charizard, let's go."

I look at his eyes. His once warm brown eyes are as cold as ice.

"No! I can't leave Braixen behind! She's my best friend!"

I turn to hop off, but he grabs me.

"If you go, you will die. I can't let that happen."

Charizard takes off into the storm, going as fast as he can to make sure we're not being followed.

The masked man is watching us get away, with my best friend spinning on the tip of his finger. I can't help but go into my rescuer's shoulder and cry.

Author's Note:
I decided that I'll update on Wednesdays as well when I can!
Happy Reading :)

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