Chapter 22

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***Serena's POV

For the past two hours, it has been nothing but awkward silence. There's obvious tension between Jason and Sarah, which is just making me uncomfortable. May is trying to be supportive by holding my hand, but it isn't making me feel any better.

First Ash disappears, Braixen is taken away from me and now this drama. I don't have time for this.

"Dragonaire, get in between Pidgeot and Charizard," Sarah orders, and Dragonaire quickly listens. Sarah clears her throat.

"No, I can't take one more step, towards you," she sings.

"'Cause all that's waiting is regret."

Goosebumps invade my body as I listen.

Her voice is beautiful.

Jason ignores her and continues to face forward.

"And don't you know I'm not your ghost, anymore. You lost the love I loved the most."

"What's going on?" May whispers to me. I shrug, as I continue being hypotized by Sarah's voice.

"I learned to live, half alive. Now you want me one more time."

Jason turns around and faces Sarah, and looks at her straight in her eyes. He takes a deep breath

"And who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars. Collecting a jar of hearts. Tearing love apart."

They continue singing, just straight in at each other. I begin to feel funny inside.

"You're going to catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul. So don't come back for me. Who do you think you are?"

Jason goes silent, and stares at Sarah. She pauses for a moment, then she takes another breath.

"It took so long, just to feel, alright. Remember, how you put, back the light, in my eyes. I wish, I had missed, the first time we kissed. Cause you broke all your promises. And now you're back. You don't get to take me back!"

"I'm so confused." May whispers, as I feel tears falling down my face.

"Every story eventually comes to an end," I say, taking deep breaths.

I need to control myself.

This isn't a bad thing.

This could lead to Jason and Sarah being very happy in the long run.

Or perhaps I'll be the one making Jason happy.

Wait, what?

I shake my head.

I need to stop.

I need to focus on why I'm here. On what I'm doing. On who I'm doing this for.

"Sarah, I didn't mean to hurt you. But you have to understand-"

"Understand what? That there's another person involved?" Sarah yells, her calm and gentle mien quickly vanishing.

Jason's face goes pale.

"Well, maybe. But there's other reason too. You don't deserve someone like me. You said it yourself: I have changed. I'm not the same person I was two years ago. Don't settle for me just because we have a history. You can do better. I know you can. Charizard, get closer."

Charizard obeys, and is as close to Dragonaire that he can.

Jason slowly stands and jumps over on to Dragonaire. Dragonaire whelps, but quickly recovers. Jason embraces Sarah in a hug, and she doesn't react. She goes stiff like a statue. Jason answers by kissing her forehead.

"You can be happy. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," he says, as he jumps back over to Charizard. Sarah opens her mouth to say something, but instead of words, a scream comes out as a blue light surrounds Sarah and Dragonaire, causing them to go straight down to the ground.

"Sarah!" I scream.

Jason tried to go after her, but Charizard is tackled by a figure that was too quick to be recongized.

Charizard roars, and answers back with a Flamethrower, hitting nothing.

"What's going on?" May yells, as she holds on to Pidgeot. Pidgeot chirps in surprise of the turn of events.

"We're under attack!" Jason explains, as the figure grabs Charizard from its torso and stares right at him. It's a gray beast, with smooth skin, big claws on its feet, and row after row of sharp teeth.

"An Aerodactyl," May gasps, as the fossil pokemon grins and tosses Charizard towards the ground.

"Jason!" I scream.

"We have to help them!" I yell, searching for someone. But clouds are blocking our view.

"Of cou-"

A roar breaks out.

May francially searches into the clouds, then points.

"Watch out!"

A blue dragon-like pokemon is headed straight for us.

"A Salamance! We gotta help ourselves first!" May yells, as she forces Pidgeot to drop down, narrowly dodging Salamance's Takedown.

"Pidgeot, use-"

Aerodactyl comes from behind and grabs Pidgeot from above, and shakes him. Pidgeot chirps and begins to flail, trying to escape.


I turn to try to help, but I see Salamance powering up an attack a couple feet away.


Salamance unleashes a Hyper Beam, and it hits Pidgeot. The force pushes me off Pidgeot's back, and I begin to fall. I watch as Aerodactyl throws Pidgeot in the opposite direction I'm falling.

"Serena! No!" May yells, as she watches me fall on my own towards the Earth.

I can't talk.

I can barely breath as air is forced into my nose. My body is forced at different angles as feel myself get closer to the ground.

I'm sorry Braixen. I won't be able to get you back.

I'm sorry May, for being such a brat.

I'm sorry Sarah, for getting involved in your love life.

I'm sorry Jason, for making your life worse day by day.

I'm sorry Ash, for being too weak and selfish to help you when you needed it the most.

I close my eyes, accepting reality, and waiting the inevitable.

Author's note:
Hi guys! I really appreciate the comments and votes I've been getting! Keep it up! I'll try my best to comment back!
Also, if you guys can come up with some covers or artwork for the story, I'll appreciate it and post it on here, along with a shoutout (assuming you don't hate me too much rn cx )!
DM me for details! Please and thank you!
And like always,
Happy Reading :)

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